~The End Of Suffering And The Alchemy Of Quantum Love~
The winds of change in the synchronistic wheel of change blow out the old and give death to the old bearing blood of life again as never known before. a door is opening , the door of truth is open and you have opened yourself up to the blood of life and let flow blood like a river of rubies . The river of life's stream is strong as are you. follow this divine flow. for it is the path of eternal summer and within every river of life there is a lesson and answer to what is by asking what isn't?. the answer is in front of you. it is what it is. it is true and real as are you. what you have chosen to be with you on this journey this incarnation is your divine answer in persons and experience .
Suffering Is but an illusion created by ego to make us “think” love is not real,but the truth is your being was quantum love from the moment you created your essence ,quantum love has never stopped, quantum love is all ,it is your past, it is now, it is the future, suffering does not exist, quantum love always was and will always be ,your essence is now and infinitely the catalyst of quantum love above and quantum love below.
The phase now is a learning lesson where we learn that physical relationships and connections ,too, do not have suffering exist at all. We are learning just that now, that in physical relationships suffering does not exist .