~The End of Time and the Great Cycles of the Mayan Calendar ~ Part 2~
By Peter Farley (from Vols 1 – 5 of Where Were You Before The Tree of Life?)
The Möbius strip or Möbius band (alternatively written Mobius or Moebius in English) is a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. The Möbius strip has the mathematical property of being non-orientable. It can be realized as a ruled surface. It was discovered independently by the German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in 1858.
Helen’s explanation of the Mobius Twist is in relation to sharing a singular boundary between two parallel universes, the 3D and 5D realities that now co-exist on this planet since the planet has ascended but so many of the people have not and will not at this time due to their own free will choices. You might think of it as two timelines travelling alongside or together and then beginning to diverge here. One timeline is going up and one is moving directionally sideways since it will keep the same holographic lessons of the old Earth paradigm while the new Earth timeline has already begun taking on the new forms relating to 5D paradigm lessons most succinctly put as ‘it takes a village’.
Since time travels at differing speeds on various dimensional levels, there is a resolution of the two timelines needed while they still interact. This resolution can be seen in particle physics since it is simply a microcosm of the larger macrocosm of the lives that we are living.
In his work, The Tao of Physics, Fritjof Capra describes how the field theories of modern physics have led not only to a new view of subatomic particles but have also decisively modified our notions about the forces between these particles – moving us forward to the very heart of what constitutes the microcosm and how it relates to the macrocosm of Creation itself. The field concept was originally linked to the concept of force and even in quantum field theory it is still associated with the forces between particles. The electromagnetic field – in this case the human being, for that’s all we are, energy in a field constantly moving, can manifest itself as a “free field” in the form of traveling waves or particles, or it can play the role of a field of force between charged particles.
Electric is the ‘male’ force, magnetism is the ‘female’ force. By uniting with our Higher Selves (the opposite ‘sex’ or energy to that which we find ourselves in our physical bodies) we can unite the two forces into one more powerful force known as electromagnetic force. As an individual piece of the One Soul, we can also act either as a particle when thinking individually - a drop in the ocean, or by changing the attitude and focus of our intent, act as a wave along with all the other pieces of the One Great Soul by combining our particle with theirs, hence becoming a very powerful wave like a tsunami that can wash away any obstacles before it.
In the latter case, the field of force manifests itself as the exchange of photons or energetic Light particles between the interacting individuals, the sum total of their power being greater when souls/humans unite and work together. This is the transition of consciousness needed for an individual ‘soul’ to now elevate itself in the process known as ascension – the ‘it takes a village’ mentality and attitude rather than the singularity of purpose and intent we see all around us in 3rd dimensional living – serving Higher Will (or that of the group) rather than that of self-will or the individual.
What’s called a “new notion of a force uniting all” is really the old Native American idea of ‘we are all One’ and it may seem difficult to understand when put in scientific terms, but it becomes much clearer when the process of exchanging a photon is pictured in a space-time diagram. The diagram would show two electrons approaching each other, one of them emitting the photon (particle of Light) at the point A, the other one absorbing it at the point B. When the first electron emits the photon it reverses its direction and changes its velocity and so does the second electron when it absorbs the photon. In the end, the two electrons fly apart, having repelled each other through the exchange of the photon. The full interaction between the electrons will involve a series of photon exchanges, and as a result the electrons will appear to deflect one another along smooth curves even though it appears more as a tag-team transference of the baton.
This is the interplay of karmic action and energy exchange between any two or more beings interacting on the microcosmic level - exchanging Light particles in the form of positive or negative interplay - resolving past karma or creating new karma if the exchange is unequally balanced - ever seeking that balance of opposites and the resolution or the coming together into harmony through karmic attraction.
In terms of classical physics, one would say that the electrons exert a repulsive force on one another. This, however, is now seen to be a very imprecise way of describing the situation. In the subatomic world there are no such forces but only interactions between particles, mediated through a field, through other particles (sometimes we act as catalysts for the karma of others). Hence physicists prefer to speak about interactions rather than about forces. Spiritual viewers see it more this was as well as the growth and learning that can occur through the co-operative interaction of particles (for that in truth is what we are, parts of the One Grander Whole).
In quantum field theory all particle interactions can be pictured in space-time diagrams and each diagram is associated with a mathematical expression which allows one to calculate the probability for the corresponding process to occur (the connection between numerology, language, and the resultant actions and predictable outcomes of life).
In quantum field theory all interactions are pictured as the exchange of virtual particles. The stronger the interaction - the stronger the resulting “force” between the particles - the higher the probability of such exchange processes; the more frequently will virtual particles be exchanged (karmic energy being exchanged or resolved depending on the types of interaction).
Force and matter, the two concepts that were so sharply separated in Greek and Newtonian atomism, are now seen to have their common origin in the dynamic patterns we call particles - the bringing together of the microcosm and the macrocosm, the resolution between science and religion.
Such a bevy of forces is also characteristic of eastern thinking which regards motion and change as essential and intrinsic properties of all things. “All rotating things,” says Chang Tsai with reference to the heavens, “have a spontaneous force and thus their motion is not imposed on them from outside. “ In the I Ching we read:
“The natural laws are not forces external to things, but represent the harmony of movement immanent in them.”
Thus the ancient Chinese description of forces as representing the harmony of movement within things seems particularly appropriate in the light of quantum field theory where the forces between particles are seen as reflecting dynamic patterns inherent in these particles.