Channelled through ~Love Reporter Natalie Glasson 06~06~11
We extend a warm welcome to you now as we channel our combined consciousness and intentions as a united communication to you. We, Master Kuthumi and Master Serapis Bey, exist together at this moment within the World Teacher Ashram on the inner planes gathered and supported by many Ascended Masters who devote their energy to assisting the Earth. It is our purpose to come forward to you with our love but also with a reminder of the processes that are occurring on the Earth now and how you may focus your attentions to become aligned with the process and to ensure your ascension continues with ease and perfection.
We first wish for you to know that you have the support of the Ascended Masters, we are here for you whenever you need us and are always open to anchor greater love, light or enlightenment into your being or reality. We understand that many changes are occurring on the Earth now, within your own being, as well as energetically and physicality for humanity as a whole. Changes are taking place on the inner planes also. Many Ascended Masters are being asked to attend gatherings led by the Cosmic Beings on the inner planes to ensure that all Ascended Masters remain balanced and stable in their energetic field and soul. Intense high vibrational waves of light are flowing through the inner planes; some are anchoring into the Earth, while others are anchoring into planets of the Creator's universe. Even we the Ascended Masters need support to move through the transitions that are occurring. The Cosmic Masters are teaching us how to deal with the changes while downloading much new wisdom and insights into our energy so that we may raise our energy vibration and of course be of greater assistance to those on the Earth. We must say that it is very exciting for us to continue our learning, discovery and unity with the Creator in such an accelerated way. We, like you are being bombarded with information from the Cosmic Beings who are guided by the Creator, we also need time to process and comprehend the transformations that are occurring. Due to this occurrence you may feel that when you call upon your Ascended Master guides you may feel their energy with greater intensity than usually experienced. Please do not be alarmed by this but we, the Ascended Masters are growing into brighter beacons of light as are you.
The Cosmic Beings are also sharing with each Ascended Master their short term purpose for the major transition of 2012. It is very thrilling as we are each being given suggested qualities to activate from within us and to anchor into the many planets of the Creator's universe as well as the Earth. We are being asked to focus light and specific qualities intensely into areas of the Creator's universe. Some Ascended Masters are being asked to work so deeply with the Earth that they have been given small areas of the Earth to anchor a quality, it is as if they must go through this area with a fine comb, cleansing and reenergising the area they have been assigned to. These Ascended Masters are working with all energy levels of the Earth. This process with continue into 2012 but is akin to a thorough cleansing process to support the growth and development of humanity. The Ascended Masters have only been given small areas of the earth so that they may focus on maintaining balance in the energies otherwise due to the release process natural disasters could occur to compensate the shifts. The Ascended Masters with this purpose must maintain the energetic balance of the area while working closely with Mother Earth to raise the vibration of the Earth.
We must state at this point that even if the vibration of the Earth was completely altered and held a higher consciousness this wouldn't signify that the ascension of humanity would automatically occur. We are working on the foundations of the Earth but it is within each individually that the transformation process for a continued ascension will occur. Humanity will also need to work thoroughly with the Earth, many people are being called now to work on this purification program with the Ascended Masters for the Earth.
Other Ascended Masters joined by Angels have been asked to recode humanity at a cellular level by working energetically, with the purpose of cleaning and releasing the past. Maybe you have been feeling tremendous energy in your body lately or maybe your body has been feeling tired or lethargic, this may be due to the Ascended Masters and Angels work with your physical body at a cellular level. If you wish for this to occur while you are conscious of the process you can ask your guides during meditation to open your energies to allow the Ascended Masters who are energetically working with the power of love at cellular level with humanity to draw closer to you. You can ask to understand the Master or Masters who will be working with you and can ask your personal guides to oversee the process. You may give your consent for the Ascended Masters on this mission to begin to release with the power of love all unneeded past energies from your cellular level to create a deep cleansing. The purpose of this cleansing process is to prepare you for connecting on a deeper level with the Creator while increasing your spiritual awareness and sensitivity.
To us it seems like humanity is wearing many items of clothing, it is as if from each past lifetime and experience you have acquired an item of clothing and are intent on wearing them all at once. So much so that it is obscuring your truth from emerging and existing in harmony and peace. We wish for you to take off all the clothes you have acquired and to confidently walk as your truth. This is only an analogy but we share it with you so that you may understand that a deep purification needs to take place now in preparation for 2012. A purification process has been occurring for several years now, but this is being intensified by the Creator for each individually to strengthen their energies and light. The purification process will continue beyond 2012 for many years but needs to be stepped up from this moment forward so that you may enter into the energies of 2012 with a stronger brighter light and with a greater awareness of your own truth. You will always have to focus on cleansing and purifying your own being and reality but a greater focus upon this would be beneficial now.
Old energies need to be shifted, essentially there is a need for each person to cleanse their own personal old energies before humanity can begin to cleanse as a whole the karma of humanity's history on the Earth. The Ascended Masters working on purifying the Earth are actually preparing the Earth so that it is easier for humanity to recognise, release and cleanse the karmic energies humanity has created as a whole in the past. Experiences and situations may occur on the Earth which will encourage humanity to release all karmic energies from earth's history but this will only occur periodically because in order for humanity to be at a vibration to accomplish this, they must first cleanse, purify and expand their own being, awareness and consciousness.
So for this moment we wish to make you aware that people on the Earth are entering into a major personal purification process, it is an intensified and accelerated cleansing period where old energies will be released. Many habits or belief systems that need to be released may enter into your reality with power to shake you up and bring your attention to the energies that must be purified, unless you have purified yourself in this way previously. It is important at this time to focus on asking for healing and cleansing from your guides, soul and the Creator as well as recognising old habits and dissolving them. It is a time when balance is essential as many people have attracted into their life, experiences, people and learning processes that stem from a long time ago, even several past life times ago. Finding that you hold old connections with people is normal at this time as it signifies that you have been brought together to either resolve karma or in preparation of anchoring certain energies into the Earth.
We realise that ancient and old wisdom will always be needed on the Earth but old energies that are holding humanity back need to be transformed.
2012 was always meant to be a new beginning but many people have taken this literally, that they will be plucked from the Earth or that everything will change instantly, so some people may be disappointed. The new beginning has already started and will continue, 2012 has been prophesied by many people, they understand that it would be at this time where vibrations would be right and humanity would be ready to create transitions within themselves which will gradually influence the Earth. Essentially it is the beginning of the completion cycle of old energies and the beginning of a new cycle of energy. Do not be surprised is people leave your life, situations change and detachment occurs in many ways and on many levels, you are probably already experiencing this now, it is natural part of the inspirational process that is occurring on the Earth. We ask that you simply focus on purifying yourself, energies, personality and even physical body as a symbol of being ready to unite with the Creator more fully. You may even feel the need to be detached from certain experiences in your life, this doesn't mean that you push them aside but that you simply send love and do not take on the energy, in a way you may have done previously.
You will find that the momentum of energy is building now; many tools will be presented to you to aid your spiritual development, but know that we are here for you always and love you unconditionally.
It was been a delight to converse with you,
Master Kuthumi and Master Serapis Bey