As I reflect on 2011 it seems that this has been a year of powerful and intense energy, which has significantly enhanced our Spiritual awareness and expanded our consciousness. Many profound changes and transformations have occurred as much of what we previously perceived as reality has come up for revision. As our concept of reality rapidly alters it seems like our subconscious has been pillaged and plundered to reveal some very deep seated and unresolved issues. This has and continues to create strain, disorder and unrest on both a personal and collective level. As we continue to witness the collapse and release of many outdated ideas, thought patterns, beliefs and relationships our perceptions, which control our reality, are being transformed. This is encouraging us to re-envision our world by drawing upon our developing awareness and expanding consciousness.
In December we can expect our growth and development to continue to rapidly accelerate as we experience the many sacred festivals, including a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse, the 12:12 Stargate and the Summer / Winter Solstice. There will be many opportunities during this sacred month to reconnect to Divine love. As we move towards the New Year a new awareness of the Divine Creator’s love will begin to emerge, freeing us from our current limitations and bringing to light the essence of our Divinity. Your essence is Divine Love and is a sacred blessing you received at the moment of creation. This truth lies deep within your heart and a willingness to open to the healing power of love is all that it takes to remember it. With this remembering you will come to realise that you are always loved by the Divine Creator and that nothing you do, or become, will ever keep the Creator from loving you. By taking time to reconnect with the Divine Creator during these sacred days your capacity to give and receive love will awaken, opening you to the abundance of love that exists all around you.
We start the month on the back of a Partial Solar Eclipse, which occurred at the New Moon on November 24th. We have a second Eclipse, a Total Lunar Eclipse, on the Full Moon of December 10th. These Eclipses are supporting the continued acceleration of our development and the release of any remaining destructive beliefs and patterns. Total Lunar Eclipses are always significant as the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon increasing the pace of time and moving us through a total 28-day Lunar Cycle in roughly 3 hours. This month the Full Moon Total Eclipse will occur in the astrological sign of Gemini, with the Sun in the sign of Sagittarius. Full Moons are very emotional times and with the Moon eclipsed in the sign of Gemini we can expect a very powerful and profound effect on our hearts and minds. During this time we have a wonderful opportunity to actively reshape our internal landscape by realigning and rebalancing our hearts and minds.
The elemental energies will be very active during this Full Moon to assist us through a powerful purification process. This process will support us in initiating necessary changes, resolving long-standing emotional issues and releasing old emotional wounds. This may lead to feelings of insecurity and vulnerability as ancient emotions and irrational thoughts may rise to the surface of our consciousness. At this time your feelings may be urging you to engage in out-dated familiar patterns, even if it no longer serves you. It is important to guard against those urges because it is imperative that you shift away from your habitual patterning and discover new and different ways. By embracing the process of purification you will be able to reach a point of conclusion where you can release and clear yourself of old emotional wounds, absolute thoughts, beliefs, worries, and fears and discover new and different ways of that bring harmony, balance, and peace.
As we move away from this very powerful Full Moon Eclipse we encounter the energy of the 12:12 Stargate, then the Solstice on the 22nd and the New Moon, on the 24th. It’s a jam packed few weeks that will bring deeper meaning to our lives as the energetic distractions of suppressed emotional and mental patterns are released. Your inner truth will emerge from the depths of your past significantly expanding your consciousness and gifting you with a greater ability to connect with your Spiritual self. This will enhance your ability to act in accordance with higher wisdom and knowledge, deepening your awareness and encouraging a genuine peace as you enter into the New Year. The effects of Mercury retrograde will be felt until early January so we may well enter into the New Year questioning our past and with the will to make any much needed shifts…both within and without. 2012 will bring a great many more changes and its time to look within and recognise what is truly important.
This month is a time of deep and profound healing where it becomes important to take the time to engage in your healing process. Do not rush your process, recognise that all you seek is within your reach. Acceptance, non-judgement, compassion and setting clear boundaries will enable you to proceed swiftly and steadily. There will be many who are challenged during this month as things seemingly spin out of control. Responses and reactions will vary from fear, hysteria, withdrawal, impatience and confusion to blame, stubbornness, martyrdom and a general sense of being on the edge. Many will feel overwhelmed by current circumstances as they struggle with the energies and feelings of everything moving too fast. The energies are intense and unpredictable so remember to stay compassionate, grounded and connected to the process.
This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2010 Kate Ann Spreckley