I welcome you to this brand new year of growth, expansion, and celebration. It is a year of renewed faith in a bigger cosmic picture that brings accelerated waves of excitement to assist you in manifesting your soul's highest potential into form. After years of healing, releasing, transmuting, and integrating, we have finally crossed the threshold and entered the dawn of a new humanity. Such evidence cannot be found by looking at the world around you, since the external world merely reflects back through the actions of others - all the old patterns and outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. This occurs so you can objectively witness the beliefs and patterns that once held you down, and glean every precious insight to help you blossom into your true radiance.
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As we welcome the exciting energies of 2014, it is important to remember the mentality and behavior of your external world is not a reflection of lingering debris within you. It is evidence of all that has been cleansed out of your field, as it transitions from the individual experience into a magnified collective expression. This means as we stay the course, and continue to anchor higher vibrations of consciousness by loving our own hearts in response to anything adversely experienced in the world, we assist in moving limiting beliefs, self-defeating patterns, and unconscious behavior, out of the magnified collective expression. This allows the vital soul work that we've all been participating in for the past many years to manifest an external world that matches the high vibrational consciousness that continues to awaken within you.
Whether you are triggered by another, or simply pulled in to the intensity of density still lingering in the energy fields of those around you, it acts as an alarm clock to remind you the perfect moment to stop what you're doing and send "I love you's" to your own heart until your body relaxes back into the recognition of safety. It is important to remember that every blessing of love sent to your heart is simultaneously delivered into every heart in existence, so there is no need to believe that focusing on your heart excludes anything, or deprives anyone of your attention.
Instead of looking to the outside world for proof of awakening conscious, take the time to notice how much you've grown over the past few years.
Perhaps you still get triggered, but are aware that you are being triggered which helps you not be so blinded by a need to retaliate with an unconscious response. Maybe you feel just as affected, but instead of it ruining your day, or even your entire month, you notice that it vanishes just as quickly as it comes. It could even be as simple as noticing the judgmental words and cruel behavior of others as a sign of how much repressed pain lingers in their energy field, instead of making it about you. Maybe life seems to flow in a more harmonious way, instead of the tumultuous ups and downs many experienced throughout 2013.
No matter the depth of change occurring within you, it is essential to take the time to celebrate how far you've come, as you prepare to enter the next exciting phase of your soul's journey.
During my conversations with the Universe, 2014 has been called "The Arrival." This welcomes the arrival of your soul in human form as the process of shifting from carbon-based DNA to crystalline DNA allows your physical body to dissolve as your light body arrives. During this process, it is normal to experience fatigue, sadness, even depression-like symptoms, as well as lowered immune systems and a feeling of being overwhelmed by toxicity. This has led many lightworkers and starseeds into rigorous rounds of internal cleansing, both by nourishing their bodies with alkaline foods, and emptying out the toxic build-up gathered from the past. While this is an important step to take, it is equally important to understand the physical symptoms as having a more spiritual origin. In 5D consciousness, we don't blame ourselves for physical symptoms or look to the past to discover resolve. Instead, we open our minds to the highest possibilities in existence and discover these symptoms as a sign of your transition into full crystalline DNA activation. During this process, your physical form dissolves into the brightness of your fully anchored 5th dimensional light body.
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Just as when you are triggered by others, the key to helping this process along in the most harmonious and efficient way is by offering love to your heart every time a physical symptom is felt. It is also important to learn how to go about your daily activities at a much slower, harmonious, and mindful rate of speed.
If not, you may find how the smallest of tasks can overwhelm and exhaust you. It may even require a day of bed rest and deeper self-care. The reason why you may feel emotional heaviness and physical fatigue during the phase of light body activation is because it signifies the dissolving of ego. The ego knows its home to be the physical body much like a caterpillar incubates in a cocoon. As the butterfly of light body activation emerges, the cocoon or attachment to life as a caterpillar unravels as well. This means the emotional heaviness and physical fatigue you may have been feeling is the releasing of attachments to ego-consciousness. This is a crucial stage of transformation where you are forgetting what it means to be a solid person, while simultaneously getting to know how different life can be as a fully activated light body or a conscious expression of Spirit in action.
As this process is completed in some, and continues for others, the importance of self-care and loving yourself in response to life is essential. The mind can misunderstand agreeing with self-love as a replacement for engaging it as daily practice, just as the memory of having already loved yourself in the past doesn't discount the need to constantly bring it into your daily life. May each day contain many instances of self-love just as you would take the time to nourish your body with every meal.
As the energy waves of 2014 sweep attachments to ego out of your field and carry you across the threshold into light body activation, it is important to maintain a high vibration during this process. The easiest way to elevate your vibration is to choose not to stress out over your choices, but instead, examine the reasons that motivate each choice. This means any decision motivated by fear infuses more fear into your energy field, and subsequently lowers your vibration, no matter the outcome you imagined manifesting as a result of your choice.
All too often, stressing out over decisions is an indication that you are still attached to outcome. Without an attachment to outcome, you are able to clearly pinpoint the reason behind your choices, which allows you to choose the option that honors your awareness of Universal wisdom in action.
Simply put, the reasons behind your choices indicate how you will feel throughout the duration of each choice, and how you feel throughout each choice determines the vibration you are anchoring in your energy field.
An easy way to use the best reasons to determine your course of action and elevate your vibration during this light body activation phase is by asking yourself a simply rhyming question: "If I had nothing to fear and nothing to lose, how would I act and what would I choose?"
Remember, making fear-based choices anchors a belief that you are not supported by the Universe. It also assists you in overlooking the fact that you are the most powerful force in existence manifesting your highest potential and absolute power - one courageous choice at a time. Besides, making choices that support beliefs of fear keep you locked into the dying framework of the 3D physical body. Conversely, making courageous, joyful, and heart-centered decisions swiftly guides you into the unknown to help you transition into the 5th dimensional Earth plane as a fully activated light body.
To accelerate the process of sweeping away attachments to ego and activating the 5th dimensional light body, I invite you to be a part of the "Embracing the Beloved" 5-day retreat in Oregon - Feb. 12-16. During this retreat, Julie and I are leading lightworkers and starseeds who are gathering from all corners of the globe on a profoundly healing spiritual adventure to enter the ecstasy of 5D consciousness in the most powerful, miraculous, and loving way.
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If your heart longs to discover the beloved within you by merging into the brightness of your soul and accelerating the process of light body activation, please make every arrangement to join us for this truly life-changing experience. This will be our biggest and most incredible retreat to date, which amplifies the group soul energy to allow everyone in attendance to transform and heal with perfection, ease, and grace. Commuter spaces are still available, so please reserve your spot here: "Embracing the Beloved Retreat February 2014
As you transform your physical body into fully illuminated crystalline form and assist in clearing ego consciousness out of the collective, one "I love you" at a time, you are entering the timeline of your soul's highest reality. As this occurs, you discover your true purpose as a catalyst of transformation and co-creator of conscious evolution. This allows the intensity of density to melt away, as the joy, relief, and excitement of your true eternal nature is revealed.
I assure you, there are energy waves of excitement, prosperity, fulfillment, and love that have arrived to carry you into realties beyond your wildest imagination. All that is required is for you to surrender your choices as a conscious act of anchoring high vibrational energy, instead of being hypnotized by the allure of outcome. As your awakening consciousness is celebrated by consistent self-care, expressions of unconditional love, and the mastering of relationships, infinite doors within you begin to open. Through each door, quantum hallways of exploration are revealed to give you back your power and invite you in the direction of your heart's desire.
As this occurs, you will see that no matter which direction you choose, every possibility equally exists within the kingdom of Heaven - a Heaven that you only imagined forgetting, but have never actually left. On behalf of the Ascended Masters and Galactic Council, I congratulate you on travelling this far and assure you the best is yet to come. As always, I look forward to being with you in-person and rejoicing in all the miraculous gifts that 2014 has in store for you.
Welcome home, beautiful One. Welcome home.
Many blessings,
Matt Kahn
© Copyright 2014 True Divine Nature, LLC
Thank you Matt. I am so
Thank you Matt. I am so grateful to all of you doing this work.
In Love,
This message is very helpful for me at this time