english isnt my first language.

hilarionra's picture

so there are beings who have been trained to identify biological
terrorism, as "nuclear" war threats, or "sars and hiv" type threats.
what they fail to see as another biological threat, is the one that
lies within the pharmaceutical industry, they fail to see that
there are adverse or negative effects, for each action ,there is
and equal and opposite response or reaction. they also fail to see
that the responses from ones genetic makeup, to the medication itself
is always one of a downward spiral. where the being who is told
that they have to take them to be healthy and happy, develops not
only a tolerance, but in most cases, has to take another pill
to counter act the effects of the first one, and that what
happens in the body, is a rather troubling,cumbersome experience.

some of the side effects can leave permanent damage to the
beings biological structure that they experience life through.
i feel that due to the poor education system we have, which
doesnt nurture or educate children starting at preschool
about ethical living, and how reality works, plays a significant
role in the way society functions today. its this strategically
built education system, focused solely on the perpetuation
of the ponzi scheme knowns as the monetary system, that has
helped bring us to where we stand today, with all of the
situations we have taking place on the planet.

homelessness, discrimination, dictators in place for each
nation, war, and of course, the misunderstandings of what it
really means to be the love you are, which isnt at all addressed
in the classes at all, in the education system, since the "teachers"
themselves, dont really know how to truly address them themselves
because they themselves arent very well in touch with whats
within their own hearts either. they have all this past intentionally
well misinforming data, handed to them, to be shared with the class
as if it truly states exactly, directly, what the truth REALLY is.
instead its true disinformation, with truth throughout it. another
kicker is that theyre also taught, that if you step out of line
or question authority, the consequences are dire, and that through
condescention, some beings feel disempowered by it, and end up crumbling
under the pressure and give into societies status quo. "you dont want to
let your parents down now do you?" " how mad would they be at you, for them
finding out about this incident?" when you answer according to whats
expected of you, its around the lines of " okay, thats good, run along now

if they are notified though, because the principal and teacher are totally
against the being, being who they are, well then you gotta face the heat
sometime, and its rather freeing to see how beings really are towards you
living out that which is within your heart, than it is to lie to yourself
just to make them happy" the trick of living the truth, and being able
to tell a lie, because you know you will temporarily get away with it
is known as being the truth but not always telling the truth, so you may be
lying to them and lying about yourself, but from within you arent lying to
yourself, just lying to another about your truth, while simultaneously
maintaining the fact that you ARE being the truth. most presidents have
done this throughout the planets history actually. anyone who is a freemason
does this. so by all means, learn to lie. and in the long run when they
find out that you lied, youll be standing there to see just how truly loving
they really are. will they accept you for what you have done? or would they
rather see you burn in hell for your sins. what this comes down to is
the willingness to be crucified for being willing to consciously play the game.

there are other topics that ive touched base on before, but its been said
that theyre "too political" because theyre "too touchy" and the response
that comes from those whom it involves are often ones of total anger
from a completely delusional place of being. gay rights being one, promiscuity
being another, welfare state, nwo agenda, belief systems, religion, philosphy,
enlightenment,meditation,spiritual ego,war, poverty, gmo's, sex changes, "running the earth
into the ground" whether it be through pollution from the use of fossil fuels
or the use of knowledge of elements to manufacture diseases for population
control, IE sars, hiv, h1n1 and other viri. all of these touchy subjects
are well known throughout the brother and sister hood lodges of the freemasons.
even those who do not actively drive a car to a lodge to attend the meetings
so that they may gain occult wisdom through each level of "intiation" know
whats going on and know about the symbolism and what it means, so it doesnt
take going to a lodge of freemasons , to learn about it, you can always just
go within yourself, by taking a look at all that is motivating you to make
the choices you are making, to really learn about whats really going on here.
youll also learn from this, who is aware, and who is not aware.its fascinating
to me , to see how there are beings on this planet who tote around knowing
whats really going on, and calling you the crazy one for pointing out the fact
that they dont really know what theyre talking about. its equally fascinating
and fun to see those who do know whats going on, and to observe them in how
they go about their daily lives with their awareness, how they talk and such.

when youre paying attention, you can clearly see the difference between the two.
in love, learning every step of the way as i go forever,