Enlightened Beings ~ The 24 Hour Gratitude Challenge

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Jafree Ozwald May 22 2013


“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ”thank you,” that would suffice.” ~ Meister Eckhart



Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations on the planet. It is a close cousin to love and comes spontaneously from opening your heart to love itself. The energy of gratitude is soooo powerful that it instantly opens your heart, and connects you to the Divine power in all of existence. In every moment you have the opportunity to be grateful for what is showing up. The real question is HOW to always remain in this constant state of appreciation, without having to continuously reboot and refocus your mind back on what you’re thankful for.


The secret to this answer is in increasing the general vibration and consciousness within your body. I invite you to take on my 24 Hour Gratitude Challenge to upgrade your life and start living in Gratitude-Ville! It starts first thing tomorrow morning before you get out of bed. You simply put on your “Gratitude Glasses” and begin SEEING everything in your life from this Grace-filled state. As you practice your new all-seeing “Gratitude Vision” you are strengthening your ability to relax and experience every moment as perfect and Divine. This causes your body to feel deep sensations of relief and joy for life, turning you into a “grateful magnet”!


Now, here comes the fun part! Wear your Gratitude Glasses all day long for the next 24 hours. No matter what happens, meet it with this new perception. By perceiving all experiences and events with joy, appreciation and trust you will jumpstart your inner gratitude engine. After 24 hours you will drop into an automatic gratitude vibration and have enough momentum to glide into another 24 hours, which will allow you to go through the rest of the week with ease and Grace.


“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” ~ Johannes A. Gaertner


If for some bizarre reason your Gratitude Glasses fall off because of some outer circumstance was not in alignment with your expectations, simply recognize that this was not what your ego wanted, yet was what Grace required for the good of ALL concerned. Sometimes we cannot see the bigger picture why “bad things happen to good people”, yet as far as the soul is concerned on its infinite journey, it is all karmic fuel for the fire of one’s spiritual awakening. By accepting the soul purpose of each negative experience is to push you deeper inside to find your greatest source of gratitude, you can welcome them all with open arms.


There is a gift and a blessing in everything. Even in those moments that appear the bleakest. The secret is to SEEK the gift and give thanks for something in those difficult moments. When you begin to do this, and truly live AS the vibration of gratitude itself. This is when miraculous things happen! You will see after you 3rd day in a row of living in a state of Gratitude that the world lovingly supports your every wish and need. A natural thankful energy for every occurrence will spontaneously arise by your third day and you’ll be astounded how amazing life truly is!

Gratitude is the key to living a happy life that is truly fulfilling.


When we are not practicing it, then it doesn’t matter how much success we achieve in the outer world, or desires that we manifest. The ego is constantly on the prowl for something better, faster and more amazing and can never be satisfied. By choosing to be grateful for what is here now, then no matter how you manifest or don’t manifest, you will be happy with your life no matter how it turns out.


Easily take on the 24 Hour Gratitude Challenge with the help of these 5 Enlightening Assignments below. They will help you stay in the attitude of Gratitude all day long!


Gratitude Assignment #1 – Live your Life as an Adventure in Gratitude.


Living your life as an Adventure in Gratitude is taking on the challenge of seeing all events, words, commentary and actions are Grace in divine action. This takes a very advanced soul to walk this path, as it’s about acknowledging EVERY experience is a gift given directly to you from Grace. You never know what gifts you’ll receive this week, which makes it a true adventure! Each person you meet is a blessing in disguise from the Divine. With the right listening, you’ll hear that they all have a special personal message (just for you) to help you awaken to the sacred Truth of who you are. By seeing gratitude as an adventure you can be open to experiencing all of life, no matter how it shows up. You can trust that everything Life brings to you is indeed a gift, and something that will enrich your life, even if it does not first appear that way to the mind.


Gratitude Assignment #2 – Choose a Daily Gratitude Focus Every Morning.


Every morning before your feet touch the floor, choose one thing that will be your Daily Gratitude Focus of your entire day. Choose that one thing that you’re the most grateful for in your life, and practice returning to the thought and feeling of it all throughout your day. Simply ask yourself the big question the moment you are awake of, “What am I the most grateful for in my life?” Your answer may change with each new day, yet keep to the one you started with for each morning. The more quickly you can dive into this question and remain with it throughout your day, the easier it becomes to slip into a constant state of appreciation 24-7. As you practice returning to your original gratitude feeling, it becomes profoundly magnified and creates a profound shift in your energy and consciousness. This raises your Manifesting Vibration, allowing you to feel more expansive and easily attract more of what you want in your life.


Gratitude Assignment #3 – Continuously Check In with your Gratitude Meter.


As many times as you can throughout the day, check in with your level of gratitude. Ask yourself, “On a scale of 1-100, how thankful am I for everything that is in my life right now?” If you’re anything less than 100% start making a mental and emotional list of what you are grateful for. Think of anything that makes sense to you! The answers might be as simple as, “My health, clean air to breathe, or my heart is still beating and I am alive!” You can also turn all those things that you’re ungrateful for upside-down by simply honoring them as sacred teachers on your spiritual path. As you keep checking your level of gratitude throughout the day, you create a higher state of awareness which helps you to move consistently back into that peak state. Once your mind gets hooked on the habit of thinking about things that it’s thankful for, it will be effortless to remain in at 100% grateful 24 hours a day.


Gratitude Assignment #4 – Reset the Complaining Mind to Thankful Thinking.


Your mind is probably already somewhat addicted to complaining. It thinks its job is to notify you of what it believes is missing in your life. When you try to resist, judge or ignore the complaining thoughts, you’ll find that they resurface again fairly soon. To free your mind from complaints forever, simply investigate what the mind REALLY needs, wants and desires. This complaint is actually coming from a smaller part of your mind that is trying to ask for what it wants, yet cannot actually speak it. So the next time you hear yourself complain about something, purposefully shift your focus INSIDE to what your heart is really truly longing for. In just those few moments you’ll reset your mind to finding and feeling gratitude in the simple things again. If you just cannot investigate yourself and find what your heart really wants, you can always retrain your brain to FEEL grateful. Every time something happens, say to yourself, ” I am so grateful for XYZ”. If you don’t feel gratitude, just be curious and ask yourself, “What would it feel like to be grateful for this?” Gratitude is like the sun in the sky in that its always present, yet sometimes its hidden from our vision by clouds. The mind can get very cloudy when we are always focused on complaints. Find the Light in everything and your mind will be free!


Gratitude Assignment #5 – Make your Gratitude Commitment your #1 Priority.


Your level of commitment equals the degree of success you’ll experience in anything in life. A commitment is simply a shift in your consciousness to becoming DEEPLY and consistently aware of what you really want. Making a constant commitment to gratitude for the next 24 hours can only happen if it becomes one of the most important things in your life. When something is a priority in your life it takes precedence over everything! This means you’re incorporating the “no matter what” philosophy. Meaning, no matter what happens, you are choosing to be grateful. Your devotion to gratitude acts as an attraction magnet for what is good and beautiful. When you are 100% committed to living in gratitude, you instantly become a magnet for what you love and desire, which makes it EASIER to remain in devotion. Being grateful for what you already are experiencing, you are sending out powerful loving energy that magnetizes back to you even more beautiful experiences. Just focus on being, doing and experiencing JUST this one thing for 72 hours. You’ll be AMAZED at what happens in your life.


