20th September
~Equinox September 2011 : Towards 11/11/11.....Diving Deeper..... ~
As we move towards what I think of as our "date with destiny"on the 11/11/11, I have been finding that words are not flowing as easily as in the past. It is almost like I have developed an aversion to the clever "mind bytes" and sage advice that is so common these days. Advice on how to live, what to think, how to make money and what to say....and yet....the desire is to go deeper and deeper.....deeper into the very truth of Who we Are and what we Feel in our Heart and Soul.
This is not surprising really, given that with the opening of the Lion's Gate in August of 2011, we opened the Gates of the Sixth Dimension and anchored the Flow of the Dreamtime energy on the Earth. And this energy is INTENSE. We are literally "living the Dream" in Full Technicolor now, with all the hues, tones, accents and nuances of being an Angelic Spirit being in a Human Angelic Body! Yes...read that again....we have arrived! We are fully aware of Who We Are and that We are here to "experience" Life in all its intensity and flow.
When we are still in the grip of the mental energies we think that the purpose of life is to be successful, happy and wealthy. Well...yes....that is always a good place to start from, but many successful, happy and wealthy people often forget to actually live. The pursuit of these things becomes a replacement for the experience of the adventure of life. As you shift into the Fifth Dimension and then the Sixth, you realize that the "security" of success, happiness and wealth is not a guarantee that you will experience the Adventure of Life. You can buy some great toys and have a good time, but unless you dive deeper and deeper, you may only be skimming the surface of what is possible in this New Earth reality.
We are here to Create and Adventure and experience this magnificent adventure in all of its textures and hues. And of course, the textures and tones of Love and Peace are Magnificent, but so is the "lift" of creating art, laughing, sharing, dancing, eating new foods, travelling and trying out new things.....or just walking on the beach!
In the Technicolor "Dreamtime" the true magnificence of the Planet as a "playground" of dreams and experiences is revealed. But, we cannot fully appreciate the richness of this exotic banquet of life until we open ourselves to feel and experience fully.
This understanding came to me recently when I was in Denmark in late summer, sitting on a beach with a group of friends, eating mussels freshly harvested from the ocean and cooked with fresh vegetables in an iron pot over a fire. It was a brilliant sunny day with great company and great food and great fun....it was like something from a movie. I was reminded of a film I once saw called "Babette's Feast", about a Danish woman who prepares a sumptuous feast as a Celebration of Life.
The Sixth Dimension of Consciousness is about a Celebration of Life in Full Technicolor! The "Projector" is your Heart, and the Director of the Movie is your Soul and Higher Self. You are the Star in this movie, and it is whatever you create together following the directions of the Higher Guidance. But you are the magnificent Star. And....you must be willing to be the Star in your own life and play your part with Courage and Perseverance and Intelligence. Do not be afraid, but allow yourself to experience all the feelings, emotions and tones of life.
At this Equinox, many of you will be feeling this pull to open your Hearts and align with this powerful Flow of Creative Dream Energy, this River of Dreams that flows from the Cosmic Heart of the Divine Consciousness. You will seek to fully connect with the "directions" of your Soul as you work together to express your Life Purpose. You will want to move beyond the superficial, the shallow...the words....to the deep Essence of self and the deep feelings of the Heart.
This is the Gift of the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness as you open to and express your Magical Child!
And then, as you balance into this Energy at the Equinox, you will be aligning for the final steps into the 11/11/11 portal of full Multi-Dimensional Consciousness. Between the 23rd of September and the 11th of November, you will feeel this intense energy of your Soul expressing its desire to live fully and completely in the Earth "Dream".
For the Equinox on Friday, I will be posting a Meditation from Archangel Michael to prepare us for our alignment with the Great Rose Stargate of the 11/11/11.
© 2006-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global http://www.starchildglobal.com - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author