ET Disclosure Event - Live Webstream February 7, 2013 - 7:00pm EST

MomT's picture
The Honourable Paul T. Hellyer, Former Canadian Minister of Defense will deliver the keynote address at a Toronto ET Disclosure media event on Thursday, February 7th, 2013 at 7 pm EST.  This event is sponsored by a consortium of Toronto based UFO/ET disclosure advocates under the direction of Mr. Chris Russak. The aim of this special international media event is to preview and promote the upcoming Citizen Hearing on Disclosure due to take place in April 29- May 3, 2013 in Washington DC produced by Paradigm Research Group (PRG).
This premier Toronto ET Disclosure event will be an advanced preview for the the press and citizens of North America of what many are describing as powerful yet disquieting testimony by over 30 witnesses that will be assembled by Paradigm Research Group concerning the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This testimony will be given at the prestigious Washington, DC National Press Club from April 29 to May 3.
  • The Toronto ET Disclosure event will be broadcast live over the internet for a small fee, with proceeds going to assist PRG in producing the April Citizen Hearing. 
  • Those who register for the event stream can post questions for the guests on the Facebook site or email them to
  • We intend to answer as many of them on them the evening of the event.
  • The webstream event registration can be accessed via a link found on the event Facebook page.
  • Toronto ET Disclosure Event Facebook Web site at:
  • Please pre-register for the event as to avoid any delay on February 7th when the stream goes live.
  • Here is a direct link to the Toronto ET Disclosure Live Webstream Viewer and registration page: Toronto ET Disclosure Stream Page
Event Presentations:
Following Mr. Hellyer's keynote address, individual presentations will be given by Stephen Bassett and renowned Canadian UFO research analyst, Grant Cameron.  Mr. Bassett's and Mr. Cameron's presentations will be delivered over Skype - from the US and Winnipeg respectively.
Each presentation will focus on the political implications and social impact of the disclosure of extraterrestrial related phenomena and the facts surrounding the associated 65 year UFO/ET cover-up of an extraterrestrial presence by the United States and Canadian governments and other G20 countries. These presentations will be followed by a question and answer period.
Mr. Bassett will also preview and discuss some of the testimony that will be given by over 30 witnesses at the Citizens' Hearing at the Washington DC National Press Club in April. Mr. Cameron will focus on his findings concerning documented involvement by US Presidents in the UFO/ET matter. Mr. Cameron will also provide the press with documentation surrounding Canada's efforts to seek information from American authorities about their top secret classification of the the entire UFO subject.

The Toronto ET Disclosure Event Details:

Event name
: Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
Date: Thursday Feb 7, 2013
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Location:  Conspiracy Culture Book Store
                1696 Queen Street West
                 Toronto, M6R 1B3

Direct Webstream Link:

Contact Details
Chris Russak Event Co-ordinator - 647.992.9940    
Victor Viggiani Media Liaison - 905-278-1238

Other Important Web sites:

Toronto Group Facebook Web site to register on line to view and hear the Toronto event.
Conspiracy Culture Book Store - Patrick Whyte - Owner and venue host.
Third Eye Talks - Chris Russak
Grant Cameron - Event Guest
 The Presidents UFO Websiite
Stephan Bassett - Event Guest
Paradigm Research Group Portal
Victor Viggiani - Event Moderator
Zland Communications
Hon. Paul Hellyer
Paul's Main Website


