Eternal austerity makes complete sense – if you're rich

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Note: This is a follow-up to our stories Prime Minister: Austerity Should Last Forever and It was hard to stomach David Cameron preaching austerity from a golden throne.


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The Guardian - 11/15/13, Mark Blyth

David Cameron

'David Cameron’s claims simply don’t add up to a coherent explanation as to why “more with less” – perma-austerity – is a policy worth pursuing.'
Photograph: Oli Scarff/Getty Images

For David Cameron, cutting spending in a highly unequal society works because it doesn't affect those who matter to him. This used to be called class politics.

The prime minister's speech at the lord mayor's banquet was notable in part because its main message, that "we need to do more with less. Not just now, but permanently," was delivered from a throne bedecked in gold to applause from members of the financial elite. But it's the other less commented upon aspects of the speech that signal why the government feels confident enough to reveal its true colours.

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