Europe’s Top Health Official Quits, and the Bloc Has a Mystery on Its Hands

Rain's picture

The New York Times - James Kanter, 10/24/12

Thierry Charlier/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
John Dalli, at a news conference on Wednesday, said he had been forced to resign.

BRUSSELS — The top health official for the European Union suddenly resigns. His plans to place marketing curbs on tobacco companies are put aside. The offices of antitobacco groups are burglarized. There is talk of cash payments of tens of millions of dollars by Big Tobacco.

The swirl of rumors here around events inevitably called “Tobaccogate” has a noirish tone that is unfamiliar in Brussels, the European Union capital better known for turgid debates about fish quotas. And much still remains mysterious and tangled in unproven accusations.

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Guest's picture

There is no mystery here. It's the Americans again, doing what they do best. Infiltrate, dismantle and destroy. It is widely known across Europe that the big American tobacco companies bribed enough 'good' people and threatened the rest. Let's be clear 'threaten' I mean, this poor man who seems like a genuine good guy, was threatened with murder by our 'american friends'. HE WAS GIVEN A HALF AN HOURS (30mins) NOTICE TO CLEAR OUT HIS DESK, MAKE A STATEMENT TO THE PUBLIC AND PHYSICALLY LEAVE THE BUILDING!

And still, ye all believe in the 'changes' that are occuring, to be positive!

Earth and Her people are finished and no-one wants to admit it......not even to themselves!

Be the change you want to see

safenath's picture

Your comment is passionate and involved, but very negative..would you watch the world burn and say "I told you so" or become the change that you want to see? When people leave messages of positive love and light, don't think that they are blind to the evil and misdeeds, they just know not to feed it! Look at this story again see the injustice and if moved to act or comment do so positively. Maybe put the story on Facebook " I believe people should know that big tobacco is ..." You believe Gaia is doomed as is humanity and your last action will be an angry comment. CHANGE and enjoy it, don't entertain fear! You will enjoy the process , and you will spread happiness and awareness rather than fear . Cheers .

Still doesn't change the

Guest's picture

Still doesn't change the FACTS of what's going on in front of our faces...I always wonder how the new-agers would have dealt with the rise of Hitler in 1933...I guess by denial a well, I'm all for POSITIVE thinking...more importantly POSITIVE ACTION...but we must first OPEN our EYES to the facts that things are not getting better...I don't see this anywhere, despite the few small pawns being moved, the elite are gaining ground every day.

Just saying

You can't judge what's really

will's picture

You can't judge what's really going on when you only see such a small part of it. You claim "new-agers" are in denial, yet who are you speaking to? Surely not the Galactic Free Press, the fact that we post this article proves that's not true.

Go preach about Hitler and the Earth being "doomed" somewhere else, we've had enough of that fear-based nonsense. Fear shuts people down, makes them complacent and easy to mislead. Fear is exactly how the elite control people, and you're here doing favors for them, while blaming us for it! Please pull your head out of whereever it's stuck.

Change won't come overnight

safenath's picture

Consciousness is different now than any time in history, because we know better, there isn't a western country with a population that would blindly obey its government as happened in 1933, I would suggest that war on that scale where entire populations of able bodied people mobilize voluntarily will happen once more when we rise up to irradicate poverty and hunger on a global level.
I agree fully that evidence of corruption and evil are more prominent than ever, but for me that is good because I'm aware of it I no longer have my head in the sand and they are struggling to hide and cover their trails.
We read the article here, so that shows that eyes are open and you are for positive action, that is great but please see that your comment was the opposite. I see change for good occurring everywhere right now, but I do not kid myself ... There is work to be done.The fact that you are moved to comment means that although right now we are exchanging opinion we are both motivated by the same subject, but our words and the act of posting them here is an action, make it a positive one , I hope you are well and I hope you start to see the change, I'm in a good place and I'm not delusional or in denial.