Europe: A catastrophe in the making

Rain's picture

Wed Aug 1, 2012 10:25AM GMT

Europe is a catastrophe in the making. Yet the nearer it gets the more they tell us it will never happen. “We know what we’re doing, the next European summit will sort things out,” they say. “Only a few more years of austerity, maybe ten or fifteen, and we’ll be over the worst,” they predict. “It’s all the fault of everybody else,” they smile.


Since it’s everybody else’s fault but their own, they carry on as before, or rather, as before but making things worse. Thus, faced with an overall unemployment level of 11% and over 20% for young people, their ‘solution’ is to increase unemployment. Observing that overall debt levels are such (Euro government debt averages over 100% of GDP) that the debt has become un-repayable; they say that ‘More Debt is a Good Idea.’

To read the rest of this story, visit Press TV.
