By Daniel Gross
Nothing matters! Have you heard this stated before? Do you ever wonder what this statement means, and why you never really thought deeply about this statement before?
What does it matter if you are a good man in life or an evil dictator? Who is to say the one is right and proper over the other? If you were an evil dictator in your past life and are not aware of this and are a church going Christian today, but come to judge the evil dictators of today, what does this make you? And what if the evil dictators of today go and kill off a million Jews because that dictator is a christian and believes the Jews killed their messiah? He is still a christian, but he is an evil dictator who claims to be a good christian. Who will be his judge in the end? Will it be God or will it be himself living another human life as what appears to either be a good person, or a bad person, believing those types of people; christians and dictators alike are all evil and wrong in their own eyes.
This being the case, do you not see that we are all in the end our own judges, and we judge based on the fact that we believe we were never like those we have come to judge in life. We look around the world and say to ourselves " i do not want to end up like that person and so i will live my life for the good, loving my neighbor, and going to church every sunday." We say things like i know i am a sinner but i would never do such a thing as i have just witnessed that person doing, as i am a christian, or i am no longer a sinner as i am saved and washed by the blood of Jesus. I have been baptised in the name of Jesus Christ, and i therefore will leave this world in the rapture, while he will suffer eternal damnation in the fiery pits of hell. What nonsence!
There are no fiery pits of hell as these expressions are only representation of other things in life. Heaven and hell are not places but are a state of mind, and are therefore both found in all of creation and in every place. If you look under a rock you can find heaven as well as hell there. If you journey to the center of the earth you can find heaven as well as hell there. If you are good and if you are evil, you can still change in a moment, and in the twinkling of an eye and find yourself in either the heavens or the hells, all depending on what world you are in at the moment, and what affections and thoughts you are drawing on in life at any given moment in what appears to be time. You are not someone who can boast that you are good and loving because five minutes from now you will be someone who could cut the heart out of a child and eat it. And i apologise for the strong language, but we each need to know that we are all things to all people in life, and there is not set life or existence for any one single human being.
The fact that you are a human who thinks he or she is a saint, while another thinks he or she is a sinner matters not in all that is the "Circle of Life." You are not human and you are not good or evil - right or wrong - black nor white- fat nor skinny- funny or serious- short nor tall- saved nor lost - God nor Satan - a spirit nor an angel, and on , and on, and on. You are nothing and yet you are everything. For no matter what you tell me about your personality or human traits in life, i can provide you an argument which will prove to you just the opposite, and even make you believe that what i tell you is all truth. So do not boast about who you may think you are in life. Do not tell other you are filled with the truth while they spread lies, as the tables can easily turn in the wink of an eye, and the shoe will be on the other foot. So just know that you are me and i am you, and we can switch places at any given time and become the other.
I can go to sleep tonight and wake up tommorrow as you, while you wake up as me. Do you doubt that this is the case? Seek your higher self on this and your higher self will confirm this for you, if you are each connected to one another at this stage of the game or play. You are not the human you see in the mirror every day but are the accumulated spirits and angels that all exist within a single spiritual society and soul group in the spiritual world. Because of this, and because you consciousness travels all around the cosmos awakening and going back to sleep all the time, i can sleep in thirty seconds and immediately become you or anyone else in all of eternity that possesses the thoughts and affections i will be drawing on at any given point in time.
You are not you, you are all and everything with a consciousness that appears to provide you a separate consciousness from all other consciousnesses in existence, while the truth is you are every consciousness and can change to another consciousness and believe that person is you, and has always been you from the moment of your existence and creation in this world. In other words i can be you right now, but i was me yesterday or five minutes ago. All i need do is blink my eyes and i have slept for what is nothing more than a now moment, which is all that is needed for sleep and taking on a new consciousness. How do you know you are you? How do you know you didn't pass out five mimutes ago and your wife picked you up off the floor, and when you woke up the same human appears to be there, but your mood has changed and you remember things from you being unconscious which gives you the illusion that you have taken on new wisdom and knowledge simply during the five minutes you were passed out.
You are living many lives during a simple five minute span of apparent time in this world. Your consciousness goes from the rul;iong love of one group of souls or spirits and angels to another group of spirits and angels in a matter of seconds or minutes. And this can go on for the lifetime of a humasn being without them even recognising they are many souls and many lives of all different souls in existence. Nothing matters! It does not matter if you are a human who thinks he or she is an alien,or that you have reincarnated as someone else who you think you use to be in another world or life. Your higher self can zap your spirit or your soul to any lifetime within this present Circle of life your soul group exists in at this day in time, and you will always believe you are that person everyone else thinks you are because they are creating the reality in their minds, and you have taken on the consciousness of that reality so as to teach them the life lessons you agreed to help teach each of them in life.
When you come to awaken and ascend do you know who it is that is ascending?Do you know who all of the other souls around you are that will come to ascend at the same time as you, in the universal ascension? You are you and they are you,and you are them and they are the one and only human being in existence known as the Grand Man or lord God. You are even as we speak one being, and everyone around you is already you as that one being, and has always been that one being that is you. You have gone no where ever, and you will never ever move from your spot, as there is no spot to move from. You are the whole spot that is consciousness. You are All and everything in existence and there is nothing else. The fact that you think there is something else comes from the fact that you chose to create a body and form in the realm of your existence known as finite illusion, and therefore created all and everything you see in front of your face as well as throughout the world around you, and have dove so deep into the rabbit hole that the illusion has become comspletely real to you as your own personal reality in life.
Still, because you are the one you have known to be God from the beginning of your human existence, you have the power and ability to choose whenever you wish to awaken and come out of the illusion. That time is now, and you are already in the process of awakening. The fact that some of those representatives of yourself in human form appear to be awakening sooner than others is simply a part of the illusion you created long ago, and is still going on as a play, so as to create and recreate this one little timeline of the "Circle of Life " that exists all around your illusion of the human being and material and physical world, and is within the reality of your consciousness that is the All in All. You are your higher self just as much as you are your lower self, but it is your higher self that will always be in chsrge of your lifes plans.
Your higher self can take you from one reality to another, from one illusion to another, and you will always see yourself as that person or soul, all based on the spirits and angels possessing that human being at that one apparent now moment in the illusion of time. And still your higher self can take you to higher dimensions of the illusion of life, though life will always be an illusoon for you, even when you are aware that it is an illusion. All life is illusion as there is truly nothing that is real, other than pure consciousness of all potential and possibilities of all things within the llusions of consciousness. All is truly meaningless as all can begin again and again depending on the subject or soul who is doing the creating and re - creating in the illusions of life. So again i tell you that you are me and i am you, and we can change places any time our higher self wishes for one of us to change places with another representation; thought; or affection which exists within the overall consciousness that is our higher self.
So when you go to awaken and ascend, and i go to awaken and ascend, we will all awaken and ascend at the same time within the universal ascension,that goes on within the overall consciousness of our higher self that is each and all of us. All you and i are truly doing is moving up one level in life to a higher density of consciousness, and taking on new levels and dimensions of life that already exist within the pure consciousness that is the All in All, and is you and i as One Being or essence within pure consciousness. We can and will come to create all things that is our right as well as our inheritance. We own everything and we cannot therefore ever steal that which is already ours and mine. You are me and i am you and you and i possess everything that exists and everything that has ever existed from eternity and to eternity.
When you think you have lied you have not! When you think you have stolen you have not! When you think you have cheated someone you have not! When you think you should feel guilty about anything in your illusion of life you should not! When you think someone has stolen from you they did not,because everything you think you own you don't, and neither do they as you all possess everything as a whole and should share it as a whole in life. Use it for your purposes and send it back into the universe of creative energy. So again, every time you think you should fear something in life, do not fear it as it does not exist for you unless you give it life and manefestation,so as to provide fears for your life and illusions of your life. Still i realise you must fear until you possess the abilities to "know" you do not need to or have to fear anything in life.
So how do you receive this ability to not fear in life? You start with little things and you build yourself up to the bigger things as your energy patters in life grow and increase. Do not attempt to experience or try something in life that you do not first possess the ability to know that you can accomplish it, or that it is a truth in your life. But i say to you now that all that hinders you the least little bit in life is doubt and fear. And there is neither when you come to completely live your life in unconditional love to all, and you therefore seek to draw all of your wisdom and knowledge in life from the light of unconditional love instead of conditional love.
Still all is meaningless in the illuson of life and death, as you will experience the one when you draw from the affections of the one, or the other when you draw from the affections of the other in life. And so even once you come to reconnect with your higher self, still you will come to ascend and descend in life, going from your heavens to your hells from one moment to the next all during your daily life, no matter what density of life you come to live in, within your present circle of life, or those to come. Still things will indeed become easier for you in life in what appears to be the future as your wisdom and knowledge will grow, based on the dimensions of life you come to ascend up into on in to eternity.
And so with this i will end this subject and rest my mind, as this one has been pretty taxing on my brain and lower self.