The “Evolution Revolution” sprang up and spread so quickly that it’s hard to describe its features. Not as hard for people here who’ve been following channeled messages on the phenomenon perhaps, but still hard to be at all full or precise about it.
I’d like to preface a tentative review of some of its features by starting with a few quotes from SaLuSa and one from Matthew Ward on the matter and then continuing with a very preliminary analysis.
SaLuSa has followed these events most closely for us. Let’s begin by reviewing what he’s said over the last few months, starting with his latest comment first:
“This period of time is going to be dynamic as so much is about to happen. The dark Ones cannot keep the floodgates shut for much longer. The pressures are mounting and the hard work of our allies will soon pay off. Battles between the dark and Light are going on all over the Earth, and people are being mobilised to confront their authorities to demand an end to their rule. The deceit and lies can no longer fool the people, who have been taking back their power for quite some time.
“There is nothing greater for forcing change than people power, and it continues to grow day to day. Fear is having less success in keeping the people under the control of the dark Ones. They are losing their grip, and also their belief that they can truly continue to guide the world in their direction and make them bow to a World Government. That will not happen and total slavery is out of the question.
“I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see the net closing in on those who have been responsible for your current problems. Believe us they are far more extensive than you can possibly imagine, but all will come out in due course.” (SaLuSa, July 29, 2011.)
“We could stifle the guns of war if so required by divine instruction, and at some stage that may be necessary. Meantime, we cannot interfere into the affairs between nations, and each altercation is another challenge to seek peaceful solutions. Unfortunately, there are vested interests that benefit from wars, that have no intention of stopping them until they get what they want. Pressure from other countries is a step in the right direction, but it should be possible to introduce a peaceful solution if peace is earnestly desired.
“The days of taking up arms to each other are passing very rapidly, and there will be complete world peace declared in the near future. We shall then be allowed to enforce it, and all war machines and weapons will be destroyed. You clearly cannot allow the existence of such low energies if you are bringing the Light to Earth and are in the process of Ascension.” (July 27, 2011.)
“You will have noticed that in spite of the lack of coverage from your media, there is increasing unrest around the world. Demonstrations are increasing and becoming well supported no matter what type of opposition they meet. Often it is the authorities that are heavy handed and start violence, which is self-defeating and only encourages retaliation.” (July 1, 2011.)
“You are seeing rapid changes in the Middle East, and whilst that is going on the West is also going through a testing time. They will also have to change and much will come about following political reform. In you hearts you know that all future changes must be based upon what is best for all, and that means a structure that is built upon Love and Light. Anything less will not satisfy the people, or lay down the path that will give you a smooth ride to Ascension.” (April 4, 2011.)
“At present the picture in the Middle East is not pretty, and many souls are so eager to bring peace to their region that they risk their lives. Be assured that they are subconsciously aware that they agreed to do so, and their sacrifice will elevate them into the higher Light. Fortunately it will not be in vain and the dark Ones will be dispelled in one way or another.
“It has been apparent for some time that unrest would escalate and bring about their downfall. Once people power is recognized as able to achieve changes of great magnitude, no government will feel safe. The Light gathers momentum all of the time, and it is going to achieve the goals that people desire. There is therefore every reason to keep relentlessly aiming for total victory, because it will be yours to celebrate.
“We are tempted to tell you to expect one thing at the time, but a number of events are reaching completion together. So it is quite possible that there will be a whole string of happenings in a relatively short time. Things are turning in your way and it will certainly be a year of surprises, and they will more than compensate for the unwelcome ones.
“Of course there are upheavals to come, and that is the price of your freedom. Concentrate on the benefits of the changes, and accept that they cannot come without a major effect upon your lives. We watch over you and are active where we can help to ease situations for you.” (Feb. 28, 2011.)
Matthew Ward predicted the end of the dictators as a result of the Evolution Revolution in his message of March 25, 2011:
“The day of dictators is over and so is the day of supporting those dictators for self-serving reasons. The day of exploiting Earth’s resources without regard for environmental destruction is over, as is the day of the wealth of the world in the hands of a few. Everything based in darkness is swiftly coming to an end.” (Matthew’s Message, March 25, 2011.)
Now let’s look tentatively at some of the features of the Evolution Revolution as far as I can make them out.
Ethnic Divisions
Some countries are breaking out in protest over ethnic or religious divisions, such as Bahrain (Sunnis and Sh’ia) and Syria (Alawis and Sh’ia). Iraq also has ethnic divisions like Bahrain, but protests have not caught on there yet. Lebanon may also find itself in this camp at a future date. The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians also falls into this camp, although the Palestiniansostensibly have independent territories.
Equality and Equity
Many protests seem to center around demands for equality and equity and for the overthrow of elites which promote inequality and inequity. Certainly this feature is often found combined with ethnic divisions as in Bahrain and Syria.
Myanmar is an example of this kind of situation as well as Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Israel. It may also see protest break out in Saudi Arabia for the same reason.
The more developed countries like the United States, Britain and the rest of the Eurozone may see this kind of protest erupt when the populations have “had enough.” They are much more entertained and distracted than the people of other countries. And they are continuously subjected to tornadoes, wildfires, floods, snowstorms, and other severe weather and catastrophes, thanks to weather-control technology, which distracts the populace and ties it down.
Willingness to Oppose Protests with Force
Whether or not the protests are quickly resolved depends to a certain extent on whether the ruling regime responds with force as Libya and Syria have done.
Some have not or have responded with a display of force which is quickly abandoned, as with Egypt. It’s not clear yet whether Israel will or won’t use force.
I suspect that, because Israel was settled in the last century so much by refugees from the Holocaust and other instances of persecution and because the Israeli state is dedicated to preserving the lives of threatened Jews, the state may have no stomach for using force against Israelis. To be persecuting Jews, or to be seen as doing it, would probably be too paradoxical and repulsive to Israeli politicians, given the history of their people. But only time will tell.
In Western countries, the police have been used to quell rebellions in the United States, Britain, Greece and other European nations. But citizens have not been shot outright by snipers and the military, as in Syria, Bahrain, and Libya.
Importance to the West or the Illuminati
Those countries with oil reserves draw more attention and intervention from the West and in some cases the Illuminati. Libya is the best example of this. Matthew has said that intervention in Libya was for the rightv reasons:
We are aware of the conflicting opinions about the US-led coalition of military forces in Libya. What we see is a glorious U-turn in the attitude of national leaders intervening in the affairs of another country: For the first time in your history, intervention is not for a purely selfish purpose, but a noble one—to assist people who are fighting for their freedom. Without this assistance, many more Libyans would be slaughtered by the dictator whose conscience along with his mental capacity was destroyed long ago. (Matthew’s Message, March 25, 2011.)
But many terrestrial commentators, like Global and Cynthia McKinney for instance, would dispute what Matthew says.
However the populations of Afghanistan and Iraq were also wishing their independence from ruling elites and equitable treatment and instead were invaded by the West and turned into oil-related client states. That was before the Evolution Revolution, but it has meant that military regimes are entrenched there. These may be the last regions of the world to rise up unless troops leave.
Norway Breaks the Mould
If we want to look at a country which very well may escape the need for an uprising, we can look to Norway, which reacted to a false-flag operation and an attack by a mind-controlled gunman not by ratcheting up security measures and restricting people’s rights, but by appealing for greater tolerance and refusing to increase security. From my standpoint, that presages well for the country. It says that, if any adjustment is needed nationally, the existing political structure may be able to yield and adapt to it.
That having been said, the staging of a drill by Norwegian police a short time before the bomb goes off does fit the classic black-ops profile and may indicate that there is indeed an Illuminati presence in Norway that the country may need to be cleansed of. But the hope is that the political structure itself may be capable of doing that without the trauma being experienced in some other countries.
SaLuSa said that the Evolution Revolution is all about people power. We can see from the Israeli protests of the last few days that the protesters are as much interested in seeking justice for Palestinians as they are in seeking justice for themselves. With the exception of a brief spell in Egypt, most protests have been universally contextualized, rather than, say, the country’s people ranged against traditional enemies such as Arab against Israeli. The protests seem to have been tolerant in scope, the people wanting only to be freed from despotic or elitist rule and not to start fresh rounds of interminable conflict. That is as we’d expect given the rising energies.
Our sources have said that the Evolution Revolution will spread throughout the world and will succeed. But that’s all I feel I can say at the moment about some features of the way it seems to be developing on the ground.