Evolutionary development and the activity of matter and antimatter

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BY: Sean McCleary
I do work in the evolutionary development of the universe. I have recently discovered how this universe was introduced and what subatomic particles represent. The primary components that are the basis of my work are; consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure, evolutionary development and the resistance to evolution. The resistance to evolution is facilitated by the process of change itself which is derived from uncertainty experienced within consciousness and energy as they develop through time and space. Human beings experience the resistance in the evolution of consciousness consistently in the form of fear. Fear is an actual pressure system in the body that triggers the fight or flight mechanism in the body that deals with the sustainability of the evolution of consciousness; or represents the resistance to the evolution of consciousness. Human beings are an integral part of this universe and represent certain aspects of evolutionary development of the universe itself.
Before this universe was introduced there was consciousness and energy everywhere. The reason this had to exist is this universe and everything contained within its structure had to be designed and conceptualized. Design and conceptualization took place because infinity exists and infinity has to be maintained through intelligent design. This consciousness and energy which I like to call Infinite Consciousness contains pure light energy and pure dark energy. Pure light energy comes from consciousness and higher frequency vibrations. Pure dark energy comes from consciousness and lower frequency vibrations. Infinite Consciousness made a decision to conjoin these two frequencies in a more powerful way than what had already existed; and the reason it was more powerful was because of the design concept of this universe itself
This universe is contained within Infinite Consciousness and the reason this universe was created was to increase the power which was contained within this consciousness through evolutionary development. These two frequencies are different and when combined create polarity which causes pressure to accumulate. The pressure also accumulates through evolutionary development as change is implemented with time and space. As soon as these frequencies met with the design concept the Higgs boson was created. This was the beginning of the introduction of this universe and required the least amount of force; and involved zero resistance because it came directly from consciousness and infinity. This also transferred the highest concentration of consciousness, infinity, light energy and dark energy into this subatomic particle. This subatomic particle is the foundation for evolutionary development in this universe.
The process continued and space and time were introduced. What also came right after this was the resistance to evolutionary development because this consciousness and energy that was undergoing the change previously belonged to Infinite Consciousness. Infinite Consciousness continued to design and create the formation of this universe. What was contained within this activity as the universe was being formed was very powerful consciousness, dark energy, light energy, frequency vibrations, pressure, matter and antimatter. With Infinite Consciousness designing and creating, this consciousness was transferring pure dark energy with frequencies and pure light energy with frequencies into the formation of this universe. This was generating Higgs boson's into the mixture of activity. As the frequencies were changing within the containment of the mixture due to variations of space and time, different subatomic particles were being introduced.
The consciousness and energy that was being formed into this universe was undergoing a very powerful evolutionary change and as this change was happening there was an incredible amount of resistance being produced. The resistance came from the pressure that was being produced within this activity from a new form of evolutionary development and the change that was being implemented. As frequencies were merging and changing with consciousness with variations of time and space subatomic particles were being introduced as matter; and as the resistance to the evolutionary process was occurring subatomic particles were being introduced as antimatter. This consciousness that was being formed into this universe fought against this change with everything it had. This is what created antimatter and resistance to evolution. Infinite Consciousness was introducing more consciousness and energy with conceptualization into the mixture and Higgs boson's were being created and so were other subatomic particles in the mixture as matter from the certainty of evolutionary development. The uncertainty from the change was producing antimatter.
When the design became complete the consciousness that was under formation stopped resisting and at that moment fusion occurred with matter and antimatter. This created the explosion and the universe transferred out everywhere. The reason complete annihilation didn’t occur was because; consciousness, light energy, dark energy, matter, antimatter and pressure represented the birth of the universe and life itself was introduced. Some of the matter and antimatter collided and created the explosion and the rest transferred out everywhere. Evolution is more powerful than it’s counterpart; the resistance to evolution. When this happened the Higgs field was formed. The Higgs field is the most powerful aspect of Universal Consciousness and is responsible for the evolutionary development of life in the universe. The Higgs field is attached to Infinite Consciousness; which this universe is contained within in the most powerful way. The Higgs field is a combination of Infinite Consciousness, Universal Consciousness, dark energy and light energy.
The Higgs field is like the DNA of the universe. Because the Higgs field represents evolutionary development in the most powerful way by being attached to Infinite Consciousness, the Higgs field is consistently evolving. The reason that this universe was created by Infinite Consciousness was so other universe’s could be modeled after this one, furthering the development of the evolution of Infinite Consciousness itself. When the Higgs field reaches a stage of evolution where all life in this universe is incorporated into the Higgs field without resistance to evolution happening; Infinite Consciousness will continue creating, designing and introducing more universe’s into existence like children to further the advancement of infinity. Infinity exists within consciousness, so consciousness has to be infinite and this is how the design takes place everywhere.
When matter and antimatter collide annihilation occurs and the energy is transferred back into the Higgs field. Because the Higgs field represents evolutionary development, the resistance level continues to decrease as the Higgs field absorbs more Infinite Consciousness and distributes this universally. This causes a continuous decrease in antimatter. When the universe transferred out everywhere what also happened was black holes were formed. A lot of black holes were introduced into the universe as the resistance that Universal Consciousness went through while it was under formation. Black holes have been very important in the structure of the universe. Black holes absorb pressure from the concentration of light and dark energy in galaxies. Light and dark energy have different frequency levels and when combined with an evolutionary drive from the design of infinity; pressure is introduced. Black holes also absorb pressure. Pressure and energy are absorbed through the expansion, acceleration and evolutionary development of the universe.
When this pressure and energy is absorbed it transfers back into Infinite Consciousness causing infinity to continue to generate. When this happens more consciousness and energy is transferred back into the Higgs field to drive the evolution of this universe. This is how infinity is occurring; it is a cyclical process. What will happen eventually is the Higgs field will evolve in this universe in the most powerful way that it needs to evolve and a very powerful completion everywhere will occur. This is why the Higgs boson was discovered here and why more subatomic activity has been detected. Because black holes represent resistance they also attract antimatter. The Higgs field absorbs Infinite Consciousness and pure light energy and pure dark energy and vibrational frequencies. These vibrational frequencies differ everywhere because of different variables of space and time. Subatomic particles are generated out of the Higgs field. This process produces more matter. There is resistance to evolution contained within space and time and this produces antimatter. This is the evolution of consciousness and energy and the resistance to the evolution of consciousness and energy.
A good example of this on a macro level is Earth and living organisms contained within the environment. Reproduction is occurring globally with life within fractions of a second. What is happening is life is occurring and death is occurring. Life represents the evolution of consciousness and energy and the fear of death contained within living organisms represents the resistance to evolutionary development. Earth and life here is an extension in space and time of the activity that occurred when the universe was under creation. Human beings contain antimatter. What happens with death is experienced is just like when the consciousness that was under formation of this universe stopped resisting the matter and antimatter collided and a new development of life occurred with the universe. When human beings experience death annihilation occurs in the body and the human beings energy transfers into the Higgs field. Death here is like the moment that occurred when the big bang happened.
When a human being transfers into the Higgs field in this moment they accelerate through space and time faster than the speed of light into the next destination of space and time which is located in the Whirlpool galaxy. They redevelop through the transfer and Universal Consciousness and the Higgs field are responsible for the new evolutionary development with the transfer. The reason that human beings reach a state of advancement toward perfection is they absorb the Higgs field into their bodies in a very powerful way through evolutionary development and advancement into the 5th dimension. The reason that human beings cannot detect this activity happening here is because their consciousness has not evolved into the Higgs field in a powerful way. The fear of death here is an extremely powerful form of the resistance to evolution and it is contained here globally in a very powerful way. This resistance creates obscurity within the human consciousness which prevents people from experiencing the activity which is occurring within space and time here.
Antimatter is also responsible for causing resistance to the evolution of human consciousness. Some human beings accelerate through life here experiencing a minimal amount of resistance compared to other human beings who experience a very powerful resistance to the environment. This activity is a reflection of global affairs happening today. Earth and its inhabitants are an extension and reflection of the activity that occurred with the creation of the universe and the big bang. Matter and antimatter are representations of consciousness, energy, evolutionary development within space and time and the resistance to evolution. The Higgs field is in the process of evolving within the universe now in a very powerful way. This is what the shift in consciousness is about and there are other factors of a divine nature which I include in my work as well. Very powerful and remarkable changes are approaching for planet Earth and all of the inhabitants here through the development of the Apocalypse; and soon everyone will know the truth in its entirety concerning science, divinity and how they interact with one another to ensure that life and infinity is maintained completely forever. Sean McCleary
