" You will fufill whatever function you have because you choose to...When we forget who we are our lights become muddled and unclear..This is the process of unlearning all the thoughts that block your light then everything you do will become a reflection of the Truth...When the Mind is still=Peace......
Seek not peace here but everywhere..when your mind is open, clear and freenothing can cling to it....Your consciousness is about to become aware of itself..When you know yourself you know the Truth..When you refuse to know yourself panic sets in as you seek a substitute terror pursues you when you realize you can never replace the eternal and fear seizes you when you experience guilt for trying..The idea that we are seperate is just that an Idea..A thought...It is not true...
The truth is we have fallen asleep and we are having a dream of seperation... ..Reality though is about to Give Truth to Reality....A dreaming mind can create everything it wants but it cannot make them Real...When you finally wake up....Reality has never changed everything is the same as it was before..Nothing is happening to you...All is happening By you....You cannot make the IMPOSSIBLE REAL AND SEPERATION FROM SOURCE IS IMPOSSIBLE ..It can Seem real....
The Awakening is actually the Declaration Of Dependance..It is accepting the role of being Co-Creator with God...By becoming completly Dependent on God [LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD] Releasing it all to God giving yourself back to your self...By Declaring your Dependance on God you release the illusion of seperation and ressume your place in the Divine Drama...Release fear and Experience Truth..Humanity must Choose Freedom over Bondage.......