Extra sensory perceptions

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Extra sensory perceptions

Contemplations on those excerpts are paramount to how we utilize our daily senses in acquaintance to subliminal messages we may get from content which devolves the known consensus of the general feedback we may be given in time while we are adjusting the fields for momentum within fabrics which shifts occasionally on greater exempts to neutral matter/fields. The co-linkage, separating some of the venues where we can see what could have been from what seems impossible in this timeline to gather the effects we need to get to the point of venues which acts on out in devious ways.

Separating the links where we had a hard time in gathering the necessary links to higher contemplations within the self, had us aggrandizing the extensions where we had not been able to gather the necessary features for possible manifestations of those timelines/venues.

Simply the timelines would be allowed to shift from viewing the perceptual matter within which gave existence to some of the multiple realities or venues in which an event can guide us to.

By chance our minds or brains were wired so that we could keep on with the momentum of what was happening around while simply viewing the extents which carried on the other venues which were distinguishable through telepathic messages.

What gives us reason to suppress chance in this fabrication, conception, drives us to greater potentiality, within our memorable extents which governs the system by having chance in one venue augment its disposition towards what is generally "preloaded" in the system.

What embarks us on greater life venues can thoroughly change by a simple agreement made either subliminally which acts as the unconscious mind/system which can give guidance in ways in which we don’t notice as much as we would if it were something we agreed on with another physical or metaphysical being.


