Failure Isn’t Failure Until We Give Up

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Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Failure is an illusion we’ve convinced ourselves is reality, and we’ll have to be willing to fail a few times before we achieve any kind of success. Failure isn’t meant to stop us from doing the things we fail at – it’s meant to help us realize and overcome our shortcomings so we can learn, grow and refine our creativity.

When we feel like we’ve failed at something, the first thing we usually want to do is give up. The impulse is there to just stop; to quit doing the things we have so much trouble with, but we can’t give in to that impulse if we want to hone our craft.

We can’t let that impulse stop us, and little do we know, the success we seek is right on the other side of our failures. In most cases, a closed and rigid mind is what causes us to greet failure with the impulse to give up, and we might want to call on love and spirit if we want the strength not to quit.
