Fall In Love

Anonymous's picture


Fall In Love with yourself-
with your spouse, with your friends

Fall in love with the absence of conflict-
with the process of understanding another point of view

Fall in love with this very moment-
with the lessons it contains, the experiences

Fall in love with the energies swirling around you-
with the tingly effervescent sensations, the excitement

Fall in love-
Fall deeply and hopelessly in love

As I have with you~

All my Love, Boo




I am deeply in love with

billo's picture

I am deeply in love with myself, yourself and the whole universe :-)


Lia's picture

We are So In Love With All of You.. Lets Fall together into All Love IS~ Love US

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Thank you.

gaiasdaughter's picture

That's what it's all about!  And the love comes right back at you, no matter the situation. (well, most of the time; sometimes one must wait for the return but it shows up, eventually.  Just have to wait for the chaos to subside...)   


Merryl Miziul's picture

Boo - who are you?  The guy from To Kill A Mockingbird?