Fear is largely a lack of self-worth in disguise. The ingrained habit of judgement creates an illusion of control. Judging its own feelings of emptiness and deficiency, the personality feels compelled to do something about them. Acceptance is not in its vocabulary and has not been developed. Guilt, shame, wrongness and badness must be fixed. Here is mankind’s downfall. For the most part we judge ourselves as not being good enough. A great deal of fear is generated around “missing the mark”. What is often not recognized is that the fear is caused by lack of self-worth.
Without connection to the soul, we feel no real self-worth. We feel deficient, bad and unworthy and then project these feelings towards ourselves and others. Everywhere we turn we feel the urge to judge. We assume God does the same because that is what we have been taught. It’s quite a pleasant surprise when first-hand experience contradicts this. Typically we avoid God and the soul because we fear losing the personality which we have come to depend on for self-worth. We don’t feel we will survive without it. The feeling that we will not survive without the personality is lack of self-worth in its nakedness.