We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. We have come to the realisation as of late that there are still many of you out there today who are in fear of leaving your lovedones behind; as well as your friends and neighbors whom you have come to love in life as well. You have unfortunately come to believe the stories spread throughout your world of some sort of Rapture. We are here to tell you this day that this is not to be as you have indeed been led to believe , but very contrary to this in fact. Now we know there are those who have provided channels to you that teach that there will come a day very soon when people all over your world will begin dissapearing. There are not many channels like this to date however and this is certainly a good thing. As we are not finger pointers however, given the fact that pointing fingers would not serve our purpose in anysituation, we would simply relate to you all to follow your hearts in these last days of your third dimensional lives in this present world you live in. Go with what resonates with you and simply know that your world does not need to suffer in the days to come, and can indeed see much brighter days ahead, if this is what each of you seek in life at this day in time.
We come to you brothers and sisters in these last days of the four seasons of life each of you were scheduled to live, in human flesh, before awakening and coming to ascend instead of descending into a world and place many would have you believe is more like hell for each of you. You were not predestined for hell but in fact heaven dear ones. You have done your time in the Grand schoolhouse of third dimensional life and it is time for you all to return home. So why have you been made to fear the One loving God that has indeed predestined each of you to happiness in a virtual Garden of Eden? Because you are dangerous and they know it! The Dark and corrupt generation who rules the world of flesh knows each of you alone is greater than all of them put together and they know they must do all that is in their power at this day to stop your ascension.Will they succeed? Of course not - for they have already lost. But continue to love them just the same, as they know not the things they do. And so we again reflect and revert back to the subject at hand, which is what will happen to your lovedones at the time of your ascension, as all who are reading these words will truly come to ascend.
Every world and every reality exists within all other realities with one always being the outer and another always having to be the inner.In other words all spiritual planes of existence exist within another spiritual plane of existence on down to the lowest spiritual plane of existence which is the fourth dimension. Now covering this fourth dimensional plane of existence and spiritual and inner man is the material and physical man, which is your third dimensional human body and form. Given this information we wish to help you to see dear ones that no matter what dimension of life you ever come to live in, you will still be on the same orb or planet living life in whatever dimension you come to ascend to, or exist within to eternity. Now in adding to this information we would tell you that you will possess a material and physical body and form within whatever dimension of life you come to live in to eternity as well as a spiritual body and form which by the way is spirit. You will possess the most dense body and form you have ever possessed when in third density, and it will become less dense to you as you move up in dimensions of life on in to eternity. But just because all forms of "you" will be sharing the same third dimesnional body and form does not mean one representation of you will always go where the other goes, for this is not how it works. No two dimensional bodies and forms that house your soul will see one another ever. For there is a bubble so to speak, known as an atmosphere or dimensional plane that will always keep all the "you's" separate.
So why will you possess a material and physicsal body and form to eternity, no matter what dimension of life you exist in? Because dear ones a family must always have a house to live in and you will possess a family at all times when you are in your natural state of life ( again within whatever dimension of life you are living in) to eternity. You cannot even live out or play the game of life ( with others) without your material and physical bodies and forms being readily available to you from now to eternity. Remember dear ones - you are not only a material and physical being, but you will forever be a spiritual being as well. So you see no matter what level of life you are in, or what dimensional plane of existence you are experinecing within every now moment on in to eternity, you will have a material and physical body and form, and that body and form will become less dense as you move up in densities of life on in to eternity.
So when you come to awaken fully, so as to become fully conscious beings within your ascension process dear ones, you will indeed be wiser and more mature, and you will even come to create at will (and instantaneously), but you will always have the ability to return to your third density self and life, within whatever lifetime you wish, choosing out of all the lifetimes you have lived from the moment you were each newly born and created as a soul. The limitations will have been removed and you will indeed each come to know who and what you truly are. But when you descend and lower yourself back into third density life, where all of your friends; family; and neighbors are that may not have gone with you into fifth dimensional life, you will lose your fifth dimensional, and higher, wisdom and knowledge until you return to your higher self once again. Given these facts dear ones we hope it is now clear to you all that once you have reached the nescessary vibrational frequency which will allow you to enter fifth density life for good, this does not mean you cannot still return to your third density family; friends; and neighbors who did not go with you in ascension.
And they did not go because they too made a free will choice. Will they dissapear? Will you dissapear? In truth as soon as you turn your head what you just saw has dissapeared, as life is created based on our reflections of what we wish to experience in life based on all of your senses. People move to other areas of the city in your world; state; country; and cities even, but no one disappears as you would understand it. God is an orderly God, and all things will truly be done in what appears to be order to the human mind.
Two will be standing in a field; one will be taken - the other left behind. This simply means that your outer man will become separated from your inner man so as to allow your higher vibrational fifth density body to ascend into fifth density, while your third density body remains where it is so to speak. And this will happen in the case of every human in your world. For it is not humans who come to ascend but those spirits and angels who live within those bodies and forms. Do we help you in your understanding of these circumstances dear ones? The third density man will believe the fifth density man to have been taken somewhere based only on one human looking for another human, as he will no longer be found in his home. The fifth density man will at the same time not find the third density man at home, but he will know where that man ( or woman) has gone. In the last days ( which are even now at our door dear ones) people will be running too and fro, and they will be moving one from the other, as like will indeed attract like.
Do not worry dear ones, as those who truly love you will follow you into the "Garden of Eden." And if they don't! Again do not worry, as you will always possess a representation of yourself in third density, and they will possess a fifth density representation of themselves as well, on in to eternity. You do not destroy your creations or remove them from existence once you are finished with them, you simply move on and other souls take your place within those beings. And so when you move to fifth density you take your whole world with you, but at the same time your whole world remains behind. Of these things we shall surely speak in the days ahead dear ones. For the days are growing short and we have much to speak on in order to get you all up to speed (so to speak).
We are Emmanuel and we are your guides into Universal Ascension!
We leave you in Love and in Light, as we love each of you beyond words!