~Fast Track to Ascension~
After posting a message about a recent ascension experience, some awesomely open and insightful lightworkers expressed frustration about not having mystical experiences to validate their ascension process. I wanted to offer my humble insight regarding ascension. My ascension process appeared to start when I had a mind blowing, knock your socks off kundalini rising experience slightly more than two years ago. However, after reflecting on it over the last two years, I realized it actually started before the kundalini experience. It started when I decided to completely surrender my will to my higher self. The kundalini experience came on the heels of me doing some profound inner work. The week before the kundalini experience I had been thinking constantly about surrendering to my higher self and what it means to surrender to my higher self. The day of the experience I had decided that I no longer wanted my ego to control my life, and that I would accept whatever direction my higher self would give me. I had no idea what that meant at the time, but I was willing to learn. The next thing you know I was having the most profound, ecstatic, enlightening, orgasmic experience I had ever experienced up to that point in my life.
Since then, I developed a kinesthetic awareness of energy, and my body has been undergoing constant metamorphosis. Our bodies are like self cleaning ovens. They know when to release energy and when to take it in, and they are almost always doing one or the other. In my experience, spiritual light energy enters through the crown chakra. Dark energy exits through the crown. One incredibly important insight I gained is that dark energy must exit before the light can enter. Releasing the dark energy is painful and difficult. Accepting the light feels good and sometimes results in mystical experiences. But you gotta feel the pain before pleasure.
I have experienced several painful episodes and many pleasureable episodes which served as baby steps toward the ascension. Every once in a while, I took a quantum leap in the evolutionary process. Some of these leaps involved mystical experiences. As I reflect on it now, I realize that every single one of these quantum leaps happened after I had done some major releasing. My recent mind blowing ascension experience (described in a recent post) came on the heels of a full blown sobbing session where I released all of the anger I ever felt toward my step mother, anger which I had been harboring for the last twenty-five years. Releasing that pain allowed me to release my entire past, and I had also decided to release the need to know the future. I decided that by releasing the past and future I would free up a ton of energy to enjoy the now. I also consciously released all of my desires (which was hard to do), including the desire to ascend, and I accepted the idea that in every moment I am exactly where my higher self wants me to be (for a reason). The next thing you know I took another quantum leap.
Moral of the story; if you want to facilitate your own ascension process, focus on releasing. Release everything that doesn't serve you. Release anything that distracts you from the now moment. Start with your fears, then release your desires, attachments, habits, needs, beliefs, grudges, guilt, etc.. When the dark is gone, the light will come, and it might just blow your mind!
We are all on the fast track to ascension. I hope this insight helps somebody along.
Thank you.
Dear Jimmy, thank you for your most pragmatic insight so far on this topic. With much appreciation.