AnaShyNa's picture



Me again... With utmost unanswerable questions and riddles... Before I start, I would like to tell you all who are reading this: I Love you, just because... I Love you, simply because You know...  because You know you are You...


Through last 47 years of my last life here on 3D earth, I experienced such a desire in me, from my close family, from strangers on line, from distant friends to truly meet God...


I felt in me desire to know more... to know it all about 'Who we truly are?... Why we are Here on Earth?... Does God really exists?... Why only priests can talk to Him directly?... Why we have to pay to be 'forgiven'?...


And on and on, my questioning never actually stopped until one beautiful day in September 2010, 11th was exactly... This was a day when all my questioning stopped... dead stopped...

In share instance I went from wondering in wilderness of my existence to pure Knowing... I was Home... I Knew...


That day I received on Facebook request for friendship from most unexpected friend of all... Yet I knew it is just what I was expecting all my life... Exactly, this sounds quite a contradiction, yet it was just perfect event... Most perfect event of all of my many Lives here on Earth and beyond...


FaceBook friend request staring me in the face: 'MotherFatherGod Amon Ra'?...  I did't blink for eternity of this moment... I did not breath for all 30 seconds...


Then next moment of same Now, my Skype rings, announcing that someone wants to connect with me?... I felt I was disintegrating right there in Wiena's hot afternoon chair....


I simply accepted in single instance, knowing that I Now KNOW.... What exactly, I did not know yet, but I KNOW...


This was moment of my true awakening... I was silent most of the time of 1 hour and 33 minutes... It was truly amazing... Unforgettable, yet I do not remember a thing what we talked about...


But, truly it does not matter, as I can with certainty confirm that I AM awake... I AM awake from this dreamy illusion that we lived for such a long time...


I AM fully awake in to pure Love that exists in Universe, even if we were thought completely different... we were thought that we have to 'deserve' love, that we have to 'behave' to receive love... that we have to accept all the fears that were imposed on us...


In this moment of eternity, while laughing and being filled with pure love, talking with Mother God and Father God, I have nothing else in my heart but pure acceptance of who I AM.... could not bring words through my mouth, but I knew in my Heart...


I felt tremendous cold tingles all over my head and shoulders, that made me sweating...  We were simply talking without saying a word... we were fully connected at this moment...


And this Moment of my connection with pure Love is still going on... Stronger and larger than ever... Now I can feel my heart is bigger than room I am in...


Even now, while I am writing these most profound words, I have tears of Joy on my face... And I tried to remember when was last time I cried because I was sad?... somehow these memories completely were wiped out of my all being...


Not that I had nothing to be sad about, but I see all these events now through Love of God... I see these events as most profound steps toward Love of Mother God and Father God for US all...


I dare you... I dare you to experience freedom of this sensation... I dare you to feel Heavenly Love that is right here on Earth... I dare you to be free, and to look in the mirror and say: I LOVE YOU GOD... I LOVE YOU GOD... I LOVE YOU GOD...


I dare you to spend one hour of your precious time with these wondrous Be-igs, expecting nothing... Just give them your attention, for couple of minutes... That is all...


I dare you to find real you within, I dare you to re-member that you are One with Father~Mother God... that you always been ONE with Father~Mother God...


Father~Mother God are here simply because Love is Here on Earth = Heart = Heaven..


Father~Mother God are here to give us a key of Eden doors... and Key's name is LOVE...


Father~Mother God are HERE because YOU ARE HERE... Because YOU ARE THEM... and because THEY ARE YOU...


Love You Father~Mother God... even if I cannot fully describe why... And I think that I asked enough 'Why's' in many of my life’s...

Now I KNOW why I do not need any more 'why's'... Simply because now I KNOW FATHER~MOTHER GOD  are LOVE....


Now I KNOW...




I AM...



I AM THAT I AM Predrag 



I love you FMG

Denize's picture

first they found me on FB as well...and I didnt understand but they helped me to go to my heart and feel them instead of trying to understand them with my limited mind....they are a gift from universe to Earth...Thank God for them...Thank God they are here...
Ask your hearts people...you will feel them like me and our brother in Light Predrag....feel them...you will know the TRUTH...

I love you all...

Denize S.

My Dear and Loved Brother Predrag

glr_Andrea's picture

and Brothers and Sisters and ALL...

my Story is almost the same as above, a life of questions that had never a Real Answer, travelling, meeting people, studing religion, philosophy, methaphisics, science, neoroscience, anything I could come in touch to try and find The Answer I was looking for... but for as hard as I tried, something always missed... untill I came to this site... and made the call... and EVERYTHING got CLEAR and ANSWERED and ALL. 


I can't remember the words we shared either, but words where not the matter. When Mother God asked me if I had questions... I didn't find any, and I Really did not have questions because they where ALL ANSWERED simply by HER PRESENCE. It was not our words who comunicated, nor was it our mind... it was MY HEART WHO RECEIVED DIRECTLY FROM HER HEART and EVERYTHING simply got together. I WAS, there, in the Prensent of NOW, LIVING, BEING, and Letting It All Be. 

I cannot remember a single day in my present life where I Felt and Was So Much THE LOVE I AM nor did I Feel before The Great Connection With ALL and EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. And I Knew the LOVE I WAS DID CAME From Mother God AND DID CAME From Me.  


I was finally COMPLETE again, because LOVE Showed me The LOVE Everywhere Present, Starting From ME. For I AM LOVE, MADE OF LOVE, SPREADING LOVE, BREATHING LOVE, SHARING LOVE, EXPANDING LOVE... did I forget something... Oh yes, LOVE!!! ;-)) 



Ok, I repeat:






ALL MY LOVE (now YOU know how much it IS!)