FBI shows up at teenager's home to ask about his Ron Paul school report

will's picture

A 16-year-old high school student’s video report for his American Government class earned him an A+ from his teacher. It also yielded a visit from the FBI.

Justin Hallman says that a project he put together for school that included information on the National Defense Authorization Act, Rep. Ron Paul, Anonymous and the Occupy Wall Street movement was well received in the classroom, but wasn’t exactly praised by others. After agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation saw a copy of Hallman’s finished work on YouTube, they paid a visit to his own home.

The boy’s mother says the FBI showed up at their home one month after the class project was first turned in and told her, "We need to talk to your son." Once inside, Justin Hallman says he was drilled about his thoughts on an array of issues included in his project.

Full Story... (RT.com)



Rain's picture

Wow this is all kinds of funny AND screwed up. It's like the quintessential 3D tale. I LOVE it.

I'll tell you a little secret

will's picture

I'll tell you a little secret about what makes the "dark ones" dark. It's because they've got their heads stuck up their asses.

Time Out!

Light Warrior's picture

Yes, LOL!!!


Now, back to sending them Love and forgiveness...

not unheard of

Jazz's picture

I told it once before.


I wrote the Senator, as we had a slumlord landlord. Building got repaired and all but we had these lousy neighbors, deep hispanic people.Party people. 24/7..day in day out.



Well lets just say the guy with my camcorder has the evidence as it were. Thee 3am wake ups finally got to my roomate and neighbors. So I wrote the landlord, legal and all, and said the partying needed to stop. Nothing.


So i wrote Senator NEPOlitano. BAD IDEA.


She sent the secret service my way.


And the neighbors were involved in the SAN DIEGO drug cartel (ZETAs) tunnel the FBI found months later. By then I was out here in NY.



YEAH, current poloticks, WATCH your words..or piss people off enough to come after you with guns drawn and then tempt them. I guarantee they'll blow you off as crazy.


OBAMA has ever since.Unfortunately, I keep having to bring up that letter I sent to NEPO, and the president(at same time, different letters) to fix the broken VAs POST 911 GI BILL. (For all the good its doing me)