You have special healing abilities and great awareness and knowing of what ascension will come to bring and mean for humanity as a whole as well for individuals. We wish for you to know this and honor this because it is that knowing that will propel you to new heights of trusting in yourself. When you came in to this game of spiritual awakening you were so grateful to make contact again with us (after having lost rememberance of who you were) and we felt great joy and gratitude for that accomplishment of yours, YOURS.
It was you who did it, remember that.
Well done, greatly done - earthly one - for remembering, just in time, who you are, and sooner or later, why you are here. You came to remember that, but you can not, though this will come to an end at the beginning of trust, yet see the significance and impact you will come to have on peoples lives.
It is your greatest wish, you feel it in the depths of your beingness, to be of the greatest and most WONDERFUL service and help to the people of earth in these times. It is really all you want, and there is no other reason for why you are here.
Rest in this, trust this. Trust that you know where you are going, and you KNOW what you are doing.
You see this great wish as a threat, and therefore you ignore it - by pursuing daily activity that keeps this great wish bottled up and unheard of - because you see it as a chance to fail and a chance to not only from an earthly plane but also an overdimensional plane fail. You hold yourself down in many ways, in many ways do you so fear your greatness that you rather stick with destructive patterns of eating, destructive patterns of sleeping, destructive patterns of feeling and destructive patterns of thinking to keep from becoming so energetically in tune with your divine mission that you no longer have any excuse to keep ignoring it.
Well, dear ones, the energies are sweeping in, and they are sweeping out - bit by bit - your needs and desires of holding on to those patterns of destruction that keep you energetically boxed in. We say this with love dear ones, but you have nowhere to hide anymore, hah! You cannot hide longer from your divine destiny and the hiding will become more and more uncomfortable by each passing day.
But the Glorious part is - the more and more you come out of your shells and your little boxes and allow yourself to trust and DANCE CLOSELY with your guidance - the greater and greater and greater (might we add literally greater as in awareness of your subtle bodies) you will feel! Such bliss and passion and ecstascy will be bestowed upon you when you allow yourself to be in tune with your greater mission. Do you see children? Do you see how you need not worry? You need not push this plate of cosmic blessing further from you any longer! It is yours to indulge in!!!
You are a Great One, and this is your calling. You have been called for nothing less, and your souls capacity will not create less. You are out on the other side of this souls dark night, you have remembered, once and for all - and now you fear to move on further from this.
We applaud with great Love the accomplishments of awakening that you have succeeded in. We now wish that you acknowledge your fear of moving on and see it for the illusion that it is. You are a bringer of Godly consciousness, how could you ever fail? You will not fail, because victory is already yours. Believe it and you will see it, and more importantly - FEEL IT.
With deep Love for Humanity and her Evolution, Council of Five.
at first i really believed this stuff... but the more i read the less this makes sence. You also talk about these increase of energies when nothing has changed. No one has even woken up as you have explained. The only people that has woken up is to what the governments are doing to us. you also crushed peoples hopes a year ago.
Dear Joe~
First Of All If You are still asleep then you would not know if others are awake or not. We get reports from All over the Planet with Those who are awake are feeling the energies and expereincing them as well. There is Lots happening On the Planet but you will have to open your eyes and then Your Heart to Experience. We have never said we could do this for You or anyone, nor can we save You, this you have to do on your own. To Blame those who are in service to Light is just you blaming your own self for not being awakened yet. Take Responsiblity and Get On with your Own Awakening. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
thank you!
thank you for replying!
also thats true. But how do you open yours and heart? thats the big question. i'm very open minded. I even care about everyone. Theirs just so much I want to understand but don't.
any hints or ideas you could tell me to get me started on that path? ive tried alot... Done alot of research too. Even asked. But nothing seems to work.
Thanks and i'm hoping to get a reply. Because I really want to start on that road.
Yes Joe
We Offer Awakening Sessions to assist You and would Love to connect In this Way! Email us at to request a session! We will be able to assist You on this Path, as we have already walked before you and are turning around to assist Others as they ask. We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!