The Federation of Light: Greetings to you also, Blossom … and those of Earth who walk this path alongside us.
Blossom: Is it alongside? I would have thought ‘below’ you.
The Federation of Light: Yet, you are choosing to look at the perspective of that which is ‘expected’. You are imagining us in your skies … yet, we are speaking on a soul to soul level.
And keep in mind also … When one resides in different dimensions … that does not mean that we are above, below or back or front. It simply means, within a different Vibration of Energy. So, we and many … of many Vibrations … could literally be ‘through’ you. In that, it is all going on at once. Yet, because of the Vibrational frequency of one dimension … that differs from another …. they cannot be seen/felt on an average day … so to speak. Yet, it is easily acceptable, is it not? … That one CAN see and FEEL another dimension … should their Vibration resonate with that of which ‘it’ is.
Blossom: Yes, I get that. Yet, the average /normal soul, even when trying, is not able to do this. Have you any suggestions how we can? For instance … The Elemental Kingdom. I know they are around us … how do we get to actually SEE them?
The Federation of Light: It is a matter of tuning into their Vibration.
Blossom: Easier said than done. How do we know their frequency?
The Federation of Light: You ask. Yet, it is common sense also, to be in a place that is suitable for such an occurrence to take place. To try in the middle of a busy street would not be conducive to their displaying of who they are. On the other hand, to be in the stillness of woodland, near streams and greenery, would be far more acceptable.
Blossom: What if you ask, yet do not receive? I have tried in the past.