The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
January 25, 2015
Blossom: Here is the link to the 2nd video by two separate witnesses. As far as I can gather … these were not taken on the same date as the original ‘fake’ one.
OK. I know this is unexpected … yet, something has come up that I need to talk to you about … and until I do … I am not going to be able to have a good day! So, the other week, I asked you about a video of Light orbs in Massachusetts. You said it was a hoax and not from any part of the Galactic Federation and the video was removed after many experts proving it to be so! Now, today I have been sent a link of very similar orbs, at a different time, yet, in Massachusetts also. I am so totally confused … with myself and you! Did my thinking of it possibly being a hoax, due to a couple of emails saying so … influence me? If so … I cannot Trust myself to bring Truth through.
Another channeller, who I had not before heard of personally, has said the video was Truth. For me … it makes me want to throw in the towel at times like this.I HAVE TO BRING THROUGH TRUTH OR JACK IT IN. Maybe readers won’t understand my absolute need for this … I could have just brushed it under the carpet … some would see the second video, some wouldn’t. Yet, some may be like me … hear about it and wonder who to believe. I’d rather stop than know that I am influencing the channellings. I mean what would be the point?
The Federation of Light: Dearest soul of a discontented formula in this moment.
Blossom: You can say that again. You are about to repeat … I can tell … to Lighten my mood … and believe me, it needs Lightening. Although, I had to tune in for ten minutes, in order to ‘link up’ with you.
The Federation of Light: We cherish you. We only desire for you to Lighten up because we KNOW that it is not necessary for you to FEEL so downhearted and confused.
Blossom: So, you don’t get why I am feeling this way?
The Federation of Light: Perhaps if you would let us explain?