The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild -- November 14, 2014's picture


The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

November 14, 2014
Blossom: Good morning! Straight at it … A few queries from readers have arisen from last week, which I would like to address if I may?
The Federation of Light: We are happily ready to assist in knowledge, where we are able. Please put these queries to us.
Blossom: Well, the first one is about our planet being the only one that is unaware of life elsewhere, as you mentioned last week. The sender of this question put it very well, when he said, and I quote …
Imagine our planet is a single grain of sand upon which we human microbes inhabit its surface. Let's say that grain of sand is on your favourite beach on the Sunshine coast. We are unaware of all the other microbes and our eternal relationship with them, on all the other grains of sand on that beach. Furthermore we are unaware of those other grains of sand on all other beaches in Australia. Furthermore we are unaware of all the other grains of sands on all the other countries beaches that areall over the world. We are the only grain of sand on the whole planet where this game is being played out unawares! What are the chances?
And indeed … what ARE the chances?  It seems rather odd that we would be the only one’s unaware of life elsewhere.
The Federation of Light: First of all, not ALL of you are unaware. There are more now, than you probably imagine, that KNOW of Life elsewhere. In this ‘time frame’ that you are addressing … you are being ‘fooled’ by those whose desires are to thwart any communication with us. Your governments supposedly spend millions of your monies saying they are searching for ‘proof’ of life form elsewhere, and yet, there they are … actually meeting such Beings face to face … and have many times over, made agreements with ‘off worlders’ that they then, refused to honour.
Blossom: Ok, we will get back to that. So, is it that other planets have direct contact with those not of their world?  Is that what you mean, when you say we are the only planet who are awaiting ‘your’ arrival?