The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild -- November 25th, 2015's picture
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild


November 25th,2015
Blossom: Hello again! I am keen to get back chatting with you after an unexpected fortnight away looking after my grandson! How are you?
The Federation of Light: Of course, we can be nothing other than supremely well and more than elated to be of service to those who choose to take heed of that which we find necessary to relate, in these very exciting times.
Blossom: How lovely! I am very keen on talking more about ‘The Illusion’ … something I am trying to grasp more of, as I FEEL it is indeed THE KEY to open any door. However, I wonder if you could address a few matters for readers? Keeping in mind, I am completely unattached these days … for I FEEL the 'time frame’ issue with us has been … and always be … way up the Swanee River without said paddle! So … You have said, that before the year is out there will be massive changes that will be apparent to all and also, more and more Pillars of Light shall appear and some even presenting as rainbow coloured. The end of the year is very near and folk are questioning once again … where are these things you have spoken of?
The Federation of Light: We thank you for bringing these matters to hand ... for we do not FEEL in any way that we are responsible for that which does or does not ‘appear’ in your skies or anywhere else.
Dearest Friends … The only responsibility that any One Soul has … be they residing on Earth or otherwise … is to BECOME WHO THEY ARE … IN TRUTH. By BEING so … ALL that one is hoping for … expecting … desiring … needing … simply melts away. For when BEING in the fullness of their True Reality … none of these things matter … not one.
Blossom: Then with all respect … and I say this Light heartedly (as some readers, depending on where they are within themselves, choose to read my words from a different ‘mood’ ) … IF none of it matters … I.e. Pillars of Light … Light ships … The Event etc. … Why are you mentioning them? Was it not you that asked me to send out the Oct 14th2008 message which got you on the map in the first place?



question everything

dreamer's picture

I am most sure Dear Blossom that what you do with this so called federation of light seems to be what you are supposed to be doing. When the label federation is used, I sense an earth based function of a corporate human energy such as NASA. Never A Straight Answer. Heart driven activity does not seek external advise. Source is within. I feel you are looking for love in the wrong places. There is a simple aspect of truth which seems to be hidden from sight. Truth is something which you have the ability to verify. When someone tells you what they say is truth, that may only be so for that person. It is their truth. There may be a game afoot in which you are the pawn.