The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
September 14, 2014
Blossom: Hello. Well, it seems the last two conversations have enabled the vibration of many, to move a few rungs up that ladder. Including myself. I can’t quite put my finger on it, yet, I just FEEL different and it FEELS so Good. Like I am really beginning to ‘Get it’. I would LOVE for you to continue on in the same vein if that suits you?
The Federation of Light (FoL): Greetings to ALL on your astounding Planet Earth.
Blossom: I just got a visual of mountains and lakes and FELT the Glory of it. Thank you.
FoL: It is our delight to move Higher with you in preparation for the wonders that are to benefit you … and it gives us the Greatest of Pleasure to do so.
Blossom: So, may we continue on the same theme?
FoL: We would care to point out that this that you are experiencing is only taking place due to the individual’s willingness to do so. For many, many years now … we have almost ‘drummed into you’ that which we KNOW to be of benefit. Little by little, you have allowed your Beings to soak up this information … which of course you already knew … and it is that NOW … the pieces are finally fitting together.
Much we could have told you in earlier days would not have been accepted in its Truth at that time, as the soul was not in the correct place to accept it for what it is.
How simple.
You shall find that as we continue to converse with you … your Vibration shall automatically resonate with that which we offer … for those who are ready to receive it. You are understanding more and more that it is YOU … and only You … that has the power to change that which is no longer acceptable to you. You are realising that the things you no longer require in the physical, emotional and soul self are easily discarded these days … and inspirational moments of the self and where it is CHOOSING to go … are readily accepted with Joy and much Enthusiasm.
This is wonderful news for The Whole. You are accepting your worthiness of everything that is of Goodness to come to you. You are remembering not to wallow in that of a lower Vibrational Energy, and respecting the pure and simple fact that YOU are doing incredibly well on your pathways. Yet, most of all … you are moving into a space that allows you to understand the workings of a magnetical force that can bring to you all that you desire.