~Feel You are God~ Release all which is not~

Lia's picture




~We are our own worst enemy and, we are also our greatest friend when we honor and learn to release blame and victimhood. Let us take a step at a time and together, we will be there. When we are strong enough then we may take the hand of another and another and on and on until we bring EVERY person who is ready to LIVE AND BE AS GOD I…N SERVICE WITHIN THE DIVINE PLAN EVER UNFOLDING IN PERFECTION…so it is..♥~


It is a rush of energy indeed as you start to feel GOD within you. It can  create many emotions and these emotions will surface so you do not have any blockages between you and your TRUE GOD SPIRIT within you. Emotions that get pushed in and kept in create blockages so the energy does not flow as it should…when this energy does not flow it can create separation and from separation comes illness and sickness. When the GOD energy flows pure and abundant, we cannot get sick and we can do anything…♥


~Truly we are mighty warriors of Light and we are the forces of the greatest power in the Universe and that power is LOVE.~
