Finding Balance After the Recent Solar Flares
If you have been feeling, anxious, jittery, dizzy, light headed, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, even after a full nights sleep, overly worried with negative thought forms bouncing around in your consciousness, even experiencing heart palpitations, fluctuating blood pressure, prolonged headaches and pressure in the head, you are experiencing the recent Solar flares that have created a huge disruption in the electro magnetic grid on the planet. You are not losing your mind, you are beginning to break through your old patterns, fears and illusions courtesy of this activity, the Mars retrograde and now we are fully emerged into the Mercury Retrograde. So in reality you are losing your ability to stay stuck in your thinking head, the ego, and moving into the heart center to process the emotions being stirred by the solar activity.
The solar flares and photon waves are changing the fabric of our physical reality as they have a powerful effect on our physical bodies on a cellular level, causing our cellular memories to awaken and clear. Our emotions such as anger, loss, hurt, disappointment, guilt, fear and feelings of unworthiness are low frequency energy stored in our cells from past experiences and traumas that we have never processed which become cellular memories. Photon energy released with the solar flare pulls up the lower emotional frequency so it can calibrate to the higher frequency. This opportunity to calibrate gives us the ability to release these lower emotions of sadness and grief without knowing why.
We are pulled to make changes in our life but we don’t really realize why. This higher frequency creates the power of instant manifestation of our thoughts, which means whatever we think, we create instantly now so guard your thoughts and make powerful affirmations if you want to see change.
The solar flare travels from the sun and hits earth, initially hitting the magnetic field that surrounds the Earth. These solar flares also impact our own electro magnetic field causing many of the symptoms I have listed above. As we move deeper within our own psyche and consciousness we can begin to remember our purpose or awaken fully. It is important during this time to rest, drink plenty of water, sleep, and know what you want in your mind. Let the emotions come so they can be cleared. This is an opportune time to let go, surrender and just be with the waves of emotion that come. In order to create change we have to break down the old structures of our belief system. The solar flares affect the weather of the planet, the moods of the human race, even business cycles and, the release of spiritual light-energy to the earth. You have an obligation now to step forward; you cannot hide from your destiny. If you think you can suddenly walk away from your calling, you will soon discover that you will create great discomfort in your life experience until you find your way back to the path of your destiny.
Just as every living consciousness on earth depends upon the physical sun, there are many souls who depend on the brightness of your soul to shine to show them the way from the darkness of fear and doubt. This means clear the lower frequencies from your energy field so your light can shine.
For those who may not know, a solar flare is a magnetic storm on the Sun, which appears to be a very bright spot and a gaseous surface eruption. Solar flares release huge amounts of high-energy particles and gases that are tremendously hot. They are ejected thousands of miles from the surface of the Sun. These solar flares are living expressions of the Maya prophecy that we are in a time of change and conflict.
Externally this creates natural phenomena and celestial disturbance. Internally it creates our personal challenge to move through, grief, confusion, anxiety, denial, depression, anger and fear. It is said we are 'at the cross roads'. A time of choosing a new path, deciding on a new self and direction, venturing into the unknown, finding our true identity of being. Some will choose to stay on the same road, stay with the familiar, others will choose a different road and return to the path of beauty. Here there is no room for judgment or comparison, for that is the ego, the path of beauty requires one to see through the eyes of love and allow others to have their journey. It requires us to stay in the knowing heart.
Remember to listen to your physical body if it needs rest. Create sacred space and go into stillness until you are able to move through the release of the emotional trauma that each of us have stored. At the time of the Equinox on March 21st and 22nd I will once again be creating prayer flags to bless in ceremony in the healing gardens that sit at the base of Mount Shasta. If you would like me to add your name or the name(s) of loved ones, friends, co-workers please send it to me. You can also add the name of your animal allies as I will also be doing special prayers in the sanctuary dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi. Here at the mystical mountain of the Master Teachers and the source of the violet flame there is a special magick that occurs. I will be sending out a special meditation before the equinox so those in our spiritual community can join together to weave the web of light at this powerful time when the earth experiences equal portions of light and dark.
For those who may be called to the mountain I am extending the private shamanic journeys for an additional week through April 5th. The mountain is very special and provides what each individual needs for their growth. It is a powerful energy to help transform ones life, remove obstacles, clear old limiting thoughts, bring one into perfect harmony with their dream and assist in reestablishing balance after these major solar flares. If you would like more information please click here.
There are only a few spaces that remain open at this time
so if you are called to the mountain please let me know.
Wishing you magick, love and rainbows,
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White Wolf Journeys 949.361.7729
Thank you for this wonderful
Thank you for this wonderful post. It was so needed today as there has been so much change and fear surfacing this last week. Bless you and thank you for your help.
Please would you also include me (Louise Edwards) and my partner (Edward Brown) and our familes on a prayer flag. Thank you ♥
Thank you
Can you include my uncle Tommy on a prayer flag. Also peace for Syria. Thankyou