~ Finding the REAL Present: The Emergence of A New Earth in The Power of Now ~
~Galactic Love Reporter Kristen Kloostra~
Through the Portal of A Course in Miracles
So what exactly is the REAL present anyway? You have heard it said time and again, especially lately from spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, “Be here now”…and experience “Presence.” The awakening mind discovers, to his surprise, that the real now is not found in space and time, but in eternity. “Now” is not a point in space and time, but rather a state of eternally creating mind[HEART] that we share with God. Listen, now, and see if this rings true. A moment of honesty will be of immeasurable value to open yourself to an experience of full release from the hellacious loop of sequential time where you seem to be needlessly trapped – with all of it’s accompanying disappointment, depression, despair, sickness, inconstancy, chaos, pain, death, and every form of utter futility that you have undoubtedly experienced in one way or another. This is especially for you.
The clarion call of this Voice from beyond your causal loop of space and time…leading you home to where you really live – before time was and after it is over, in the eternally present Presence of God’s Creation. This is the experience of the real “power of now”. This may well be the first thing that has ever really made sense or been truly reasonable to you in the cyclical maze of this chaotic world…be glad the Light has come! This is your quantum evolutionary leap out of time…
Jesus so beautifully shows us the way in A Course in Miracles,
“Each day, and every minute of each day, and every instant that each minute holds, you but relive the single instant when the time of terror took the place of Love. And so you die each day to live again, until you cross the gap between the past and the present, which is not a gap at all. Such is each life; a seeming interval from birth to death and on to life again, a repetition of an instant gone by long ago that cannot be relived. And all of time is but the mad belief that what is over is still here and now.” And yet, “Time can release as well as imprison, depending on whose interpretation of it you use. Past, present and future are not continuous, unless you force continuity on them. You can perceive them as continuous, and make them so for you. But do not be deceived, and then believe that this is how it is. For to believe reality is what you would have it be according to your use for it is delusional. You would destroy time’s continuity by breaking it into past, present and future for your own purposes. You would anticipate the future on the basis of your past experience, and plan for it accordingly. Yet, by doing so you are aligning past and future, and not allowing the miracle , which could intervene between them, to free you to be born again.”
So how does this miracle occur, you may ask? It occurs naturally through the presence of the Holy Spirit, who is flowing into the ‘situation’ in your mind right now, giving you the correction for your mistaken thoughts and perceptions and realigning your whole perspective of yourself with your true Reality. Simply offer Him your little willingness to…
“Forgive the past and let it go, for it is gone” and it is indeed accomplished! You will literally be shown that “You stand no longer on the ground that lies between the worlds. You have gone on, and reached the world that lies at Heaven’s gate. There is no hindrance to the Will of God, nor any need that you repeat again a journey that was over long ago.” –A Course in Miracles
So, NOW, in THIS present moment you can “Look gently on your brother, and behold the world in which perception of your hate has been transformed into a world of love.” You will begin to experience the fact that “The present is before time was, and will be when time is no more. In it are all things that are eternal, and they are one. Their continuity is timeless and their communication is unbroken, for they are not separated by the past. Only the past can separate, and it is nowhere.” –A Course in Miracles
Through this realization, you are given a whole new experience of yourself that is true, whole, free and eternally present, a quantum instant of before time was and after it is over…you are remembering the REAL you, perfectly created by God. Thus is the “new earth” born in YOU, that is described by Eckhart Tolle in his latest book, “A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.” This experience of re-birth is your natural inheritance.
“There is a place in you where this whole world has been forgotten; where no memory of sin and of illusion lingers still. There is a place in you which time has left, and echoes of eternity are heard. There is a resting place so still no sound except a hymn to Heaven rises up to gladden God the Father and the[Mother Son. Where Both abide are They remembered, Both. And where They are, is Heaven and is Peace.” –A Course in Miracles
Welcome Home to the Real Here and Now!
-By Kristen Kloostra