Lia's picture


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation  


The Planetary Grid Transmissions

New Moon Tuesday, September 27   


 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm

Country of India: 8 pm

 Paris, France: 8 pm

New York, USA: 9 pm


Time Conversions Here

Program Details






Focus: Fire the Grid


Mp3 Support:
The Rite of Faith
Restoring Faith in the Divine to Humanity
Transmitting from Jerusalem, Israel 


Personal Full Moon Sessions















Blessings Dear Light Servers,
Our beautiful planet has entered once again into the zone, as we swirl around the Sun, where the day equals the night and all aspects of light and dark spiral into Zero Point for a short window of time. 

This little glimpse of eternity is followed by powerful New Moon energies so that, within the recess of the dark womb of all that is possible, we feel the quickening of our Spirit as our DNA is activated and brought into harmonious balance according to our divine blueprints. The energy forcefield, referred to as Comet El Enin, is now situating between the Earth and the Sun, further adds to the cellular upgrades of Light that are ours to behold.

As we Fire the Grid throughout the day, we blaze our own unique vibration to blend with the frequencies of all Children of the Sun and the combined harmony of our heart's love can move mountains, part the sea and open stargate portals to a glorious New World! 

Furthermore, how perfect is it that we have our initiatory Rites of Passage during this very time when we swirl the Sacred Fires daily on the Grid.  The energies that we selflessly and passionately send out to the Crystalline Grid matrix spiral back to ourselves abundantly, making these sacred rites more powerful and activational than we could ever imagine.  As we sing the frequencies of the Solar Disks back to their original vibration, we prepare ourselves to match their octaves, and on 11:11:11, the great portal open for 1st wave ascensions.  This is truly the time we have dreamed about our whole lives!
While we Fire the Grid and enter into our Rites of Passage, our Light Team never forgets to transmit to all who have requested healings and to minimize the effects of our changing Earth.  The new incoming frequencies continue to purify and raise all imbalances up to the light to be transmuted, so many are experiencing difficulties and changes during these potent times.   Our compassion and our love for humanity and our planet drives our commitment for selfless service as light transmitters.  Many wonderful testimonies are being received acclaiming the powerful healings of our Group Soul Avatar.
We honor your beautiful Light and the integrity of your Spirit, dear Family.  Let's Fire the Grid this New Moon... HOT!  HOT!  HOT!  











Personal Sessions of Support

New Moon Tuesday, September 27



Through the heart pulsing planetary Crystalline Grid

and our 3000-person Healing Transmission Team!     




We come to you as a Unified Field, one Group Avatar.. and the tangible points of light transmission from the Planetary Crystalline Grid. We invoke and then simply allow ourselves to be used as Divine Conduits for the greater energy to do its work. We hold you in your highest Divine Potential... seeing and transmitting to you as already healed, whole and complete.


This is a session of direct energy transference and is set into momentum through your commitment and intention to receive and surrender to the required life changes.     


As you submit a request of support, you are assisting in the core transformation for the our Group Soul and for the planet! Each release, each healing, each a'haa moment affects everyone, greatly propelling our ascension momentum. 



Session of Support: Registration


The suggested energy exchange is a love donation or "pay it forward".
This exchange greatly assists Children of the Sun Foundation to continue with these services.  

