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~ ~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Predrag~





You will embrace them with joy and Love as your heart will resonate and feel their Love and Light.

This Experiment is coming to its fruition and final conclusion, and it is bringing ahead the most beautiful times on this 3D density.


Can you dare to imagine what is upon us as beings with 2000 DNA strains in very near future?


I definitely can. And I dare. And I am so certain this is not even a tip of the iceberg what else is not imaginable with this present state of conciseness [or unconsciousness]. I am definitely not afraid of opening my imagination. And as more I am imagining, I realize how much I am still quite closed.

If you simply imagine your visual senses get combined with couple of newly discovered senses [that I cannot even word it] and you suddenly see 360� around without opening your eyes, you see by feeling, you see with your own soul, you feel other intentions even before they verbalize it with sound of words. Imagine that you see 360� in any direction, without limit of a distance. You see center of Milky Way only with your own heart eye.

Just Imagine a beauty of existence when you actually do not understand words like "fear, anger, justice, jealousy, greed, lack" any longer.

Just Imagine power of our soul as ultimate creator of our own realities.

Just Imagine how powerful we are as creators, if we were capable to produce all this around us using 3D only, within couple of lifetimes.


Just Imagine that you are part of something so grandiose in creation, that it cannot be fitted in your 3D mind, or your 3D body, or your 3D country, or even your 3D galaxy.

But it can be simply placed in ones Heart. Through Love. Where Love expands you only within, and it does not care for size of your body or even size of your wallet. Especially wallet, as it does not even understand the word "wallet".


As James said " Love given is never lost".


So in this new existence, Love is the only creator. Always was. Love from your souls heart.

Where all this beautiful eternal love coming down on Mother Earth created by our God Creator cannot be destructed, it can only be directed to the right place to brighten our path.

What we create from Love is indestructible and eternal. Everything else is prone to disappearance, especially when exposed to Light of Love.

We are part of God's creative multiverse where

Light Is,

                  Love Is,

                                    God IS.
