FLOW WITH FREEDOM ~ By Premlatha Rajkumar

Lia's picture

Life flows through you, life moves you all the time. Everything flows, nothing stays fixed. When life moves you, move with it, do not place road blocks of judgement or fear. Your fear and judgement are road blocks on the easy path that life has chosen for you.

Fear is an illusion and it is a bondage. When you understand that it is all good, you can live in Freedom. Life always shows you what is good in a more clearer and efficient way than you would possibly discover for yourself.

Life always works with you, for you; it gets to know the dream in your heart. The thoughts and dream that you have nourished creates a grand energy that wants to create a new paradise for you.

When you need to move toward your dream, life prepares a way for you, you need to leave your comfort zone and flow with the way life leads you. Do not resist, resisting creates more stress and sorrow. Life always has a purpose, and the purpose is towards goodness for all. Move with life, for you do not know the bigger picture, you do not even know what is good for you or for anyone else.

Sweet friends, choose to be in the place of allowing and accepting life and you will enjoy the gift of Freedom.

~Premlatha Rajkumar~

