The Foolproof Guide to Lucid Dreaming

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Imagine if every night when we’d fall asleep, we could consciously slip into an interactive dream together. We could co-create realities each night and explore the deepest corners of our unconscious, together.  We could experience those impossible, contradicting dream scenarios and manifest our wildest dreams, literally.

Lucid dreaming and experiencing the astrals is monumental in the evolution of our consciousness. To be able to explore the deepest, uncharted parts of our mind would completely effect how we exist after we wake up.

Consciously fall asleep:

When we fall asleep, our minds slip into unconsciousness before our physical body does. Sleep paralysis occurs when the mind is consciously feeling the body falling asleep – and it’s usually quite uncomfortable. For many, there’s an intense pressure that weighs down on you with such force that you feel like you can’t breathe.
