~A FORMAL INVITATION from Mission Control~ Your Presence is Being Requested

Lia's picture
 Earth Ally Yojman Chase
~A FORMAL INVITATION from Mission Control~
Diamond Light, God Consciousness Energy Incoming Fractal Art By Earth Ally Will Harader

  Mission Control respectfully requests your presence at a come~as~you~are party.   RSVP!

   We know that this mission is not easy. We also know that many tears have been shed
in the awesome process of its spiritual unfoldment. Be consoled in knowing that all tears
are soon to be wiped from your eyes and all your pain dismissed and forgotten. The glory
and joy of what is about to transpire will render all you have endured a minor expense,
a price you would be more than willing to pay again. You are all cordially invited to attend
the birthday celebration that marks this mission’s successful end. This celebration will put all
the combined feasts of every earthly head of state to shame. Such feasts will seem

pathetic gesture compared to the party that Spirit is about to throw in your Name.
   The revelation of the nature of your presence on this plane will soon be announced.
 You will be known as the honored guests of the Spirit you came to serve, a disclosure that will lend
an entirely new meaning to the saying “a star-studded cast.”

   The dress code is simple but mandatory. You must come clothed in your full presence,
dressed in the spiritual light of the Lords that you are. Clothe yourselves in the finery that
befits Spirit’s messengers to this plane. Come out of your hiding and come fully attired as
 the distinguished members of Spirit’s divine delivery system of the stars.  Come, in short, as you truly are.

   We bless you all for your courage and your commitment and we honor you for your accomplishments
on this plane. Take heart in the knowledge that your task is almost over. This carbon-based planet
will shortly burst into a diamond, a gem in the crown of this solar system’s skies.   The celebration will then begin.

~Earth Ally Will Harader Scout Ships Coming In~

   This is Mission Control

   Over and out!



copy from ground control!

dawn christine's picture

What a great honour it is to receive your invitation of splendid wonder. Thank you.  With the purest forms of love and light and the most amazing of intentions, let this great birthday party begin ! dc

Invitation Accepted!

earthrise1234's picture

I accept the invitation for the birthday party! Let the Festival of Heaven begin!

I feel the joy

Guest's picture

I LOVE it.  Getting up to listen to the message and fine the invitation here is a heart felt thank you.  I feel love and joy.  I recommend to everyone view this message.  


Looking for celebration

Guest's picture

I have been looking for the Day since my early days,I am ready!