Just within the last couple of decades or so has science been able to explain and piece together what ancient civilizations have being saying for thousands of years. For example, the computer age finally being able to replicate the holographic nature within patterns called fractals. These ancient cultures providing symbols so massively intricate and interconnecting yet simple such as the flower of life. The point is that finally the concept of oneness has finally come into a tangible and visible spectrum and provable theory. Spirit being the feminine or yin version of reality is finally merging with it’s masculine duality and yang aspect, Science. The perfect form of alchemy happening in our generation. I have really personally been experiencing this merger within the energies lately and through my journeys I feel I have been given an ancient key to unlocking the universe’s guide to project management. The project I speak of being the elevation of the collective conscious starting with the singularity of it all, you! The idea is just like in quantum physics: The Entanglement Theory, where when one photon of light is changed, all of the other photons no matter where in reality were all changed simultaneously. I feel this is the same with human consciousness. All of the seemingly invisible universe tied together by this universal law of connection.