GFP: I would rename sligthly this faboulous title:
Increase in theft from Old-man Sucks that reached almost 2.7 billions in 1st q of 2012... They only confiscated 44% of profits from last year, pretending these are bonuses and benefits...
[Lord Blank-Field... what do you feel: is he going to take 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th Amendment too?...
His term is comming UP soon]
Calo dell'utile per Goldman Sachs
La flessione registrata dalla banca è comunque minore rispetto alle stime
(foto Keystone)
NEW YORK - Goldman Sachs, la quinta banca americana, ha archiviato il primo trimestre 2012 con un utile netto in flessione del 23% a 2,11 miliardi di dollari, dai 2,74 miliardi dello stesso periodo dell'anno scorso. La flessione dell'utile è inferiore alle stime degli analisti. Le entrate generate dalla divisione investment banking sono risultate migliori delle attese, ha reso noto la banca in un comunicato.
Fall in profits for Goldman Sachs
The decline recorded by the bank is still lower than the estimates
NEW YORK - Goldman Sachs, the fifth U.S. bank, closed the first quarter of 2012with net income down 23% to 2.11 billion dollars from 2.74 billion the same periodlast year. The decline was less than analysts' estimates. The revenue generatedfrom the investment banking division were better than expected, the bankannounced in a statement.
The decline recorded by the bank is still lower than the estimates
NEW YORK - Goldman Sachs, the fifth U.S. bank, closed the first quarter of 2012with net income down 23% to 2.11 billion dollars from 2.74 billion the same periodlast year. The decline was less than analysts' estimates. The revenue generatedfrom the investment banking division were better than expected, the bankannounced in a statement.