FREEDOM PROJECT: Greece in last bid to avoid fresh elections

AnaShyNa's picture


A final attempt to form a coalition government in Greece now lies with the President Karolas Papoulias, who is scheduled to meet party leaders on Sunday to cobble together an emergency administration. If he fails, Greeks will be going back to the polls for the second time in weeks. Al Jazeera's Tim Friend reports from Athens.



 They need to wait until the

Heartflame's picture


They need to wait until the former president and adminisration leaves and vote again, until they can agree that a free Greek populace, not suffering from mass mind-control, would never allow or accept such a debt, if they knew the truth about how it was formed and expanded without their vote or consent.

I have yet to meet any greek

Guest's picture

I have yet to meet any greek citizens that wanted the Euro as their currency!  They hated it then, and they hate it now!   I do wonder what will occur if they are brave enough