FREEDOM PROJECT: USA: Drake speaks about his disenchantment with Tim Turner 0f RUSA

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Drake speaks about his disenchantment with Tim Turner 0f RUSA

Please, don’t pass this article by because of the title. . . ~J

Drake Responds To Tim Turner and his organization

I do NOT entertain Communists nor do I support the Communist organizations such as the UN. I do NOT offer validity for Turner because he works for our enemies. Therefore, no debate, no contact, and I hope he does not come into range…he will be shot on sight by me. The organization is a TRAP offered to get as many patriots as possible to identify themselves.

Further, everything offered is not quite complete, thus ALL of the participants have given witness of TREASON and SEDITION by their paperwork. Our Military will have nothing to do with Turner as he intends to offer up our country to the United Nations. Because Turner never accomplishes what he says he will, most of the people who were involved are leaving…tired of excuses.

Our group accomplished the whole thing, a majority of states, notification process, and are now moving into the second mission of localization… Too bad there are still cool-aid drinkers like yourself who can’t see reality. >Restructuring our government and cleaning up the mess is going to be a very large job.

I have been asked by one of the principles to request ALL CPA’s to help us in this, they will be called when needed. >There are several directions that can be taken is the new structure. Our basic ‘rights’ are to be protected, thus freedom of religion is basic.

We The People must decide to allow all forms of belief systems that are not adverse to our way of life and freedom…no control is allowed, as God says, believe or not as you so chose. This IS FREEDOM.

>No one may ‘assume’ any office nor offer a new government that is NOT open to voting approval of We The People. There will be a few ‘appointed’ office holders. These will be ‘temporary’ and are designed to keep the government from crashing and causing chaos were it to do so.

>The finance system is to be zeroed out, or crashed. This causes those using financial power to lose all power and will flush out many unknowns who are involved. The ‘financial system’ will be revalued by world accounts and private accounts.

>All this is stipulated in the basic plan I have been offering.

This is only the second reply to any Turnerite or Turner group. It is my last one.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:32 PM

