Freedom Project: Vatican accuses media of "imitating Dan Brown"

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Vatican accuses media of "imitating Dan Brown"


GFP: It seems that fear is now felt on the other side... it's not humanity that's scaerd anymore... it's them... Be the Love you are and keep sending out all Love that is. It's done, now let's manifest it fully for All HUmanity!

All our Love, your Earth Allies!


(Reuters) - The Vatican's number 2 accused the media on Monday of trying "to imitate Dan Brown" in their coverage of the VatiLeaks scandal and said the Roman Catholic Church's latest travails were part of the Devil's attempt to destabilize it.

The interview with Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who ranks second only to Pope Benedict in the Vatican's hierarchy, was the latest attempt at damage control by senior Vatican officials since the leaks scandal began in January.

In a rare interview with the Italian Catholic magazine Famiglia Cristiana, Bertone, the Vatican's secretary of state, accused the media of "intentionally ignoring" the good things the Church does while dwelling on scandals.

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