I spent 22 years 'working' [read slavering...] in Canada, and fully know how corrupt financial, legal and corporate and medical/dental systems are... I did opposed it, I did not want to pay, I refused to fire people, I refuse to sell harmful products, I completely refused to put in peoples mouth dangerous drugs, I refused to pay corporate taxes...
They oppressed me, punished me, sentenced me, mafia handled me, threaten my children, racketed me, sent freemasons in my restaurants, closed my businesses, took my children away, grabbed all my assets, let me on street...
I AM truly honored that there are more brave souls, like our true Lightworker Eva Sydel who went and still going through all this 'trouble' of bringing truth for ALL OF US...
Lets the truth be OUR guide, lets the Freedom be OUR Wings...
With Love, Truth and Freedom, Predrag/Saint Germain
I was reading the post about Masons in Mexico and wished to alert your readers to a very important law case at the Supreme Court of Canada that alleges a Freemason judge and Freemason employee of Canada Revenue Agency fixed a court case and railroaded a Canadian dentist into jail for tax evasion. She served 12 months, after release she learned about Freemason involvement in her case and commenced a civil action that was dismissed by the lower courts and is now at the Supreme Court of Canada
The Supreme Court of Canada initially dismissed the application for leave to appeal, without reasons, but subsequently has agreed to hear an exceedingly rare Motion for Reconsideration because the Chief Justice was caught breaking court protocols when she dismissed the initial application for leave to appeal.
We have developed a web site that discusses the background to the case:
We have posted online the complete Motion for Reconsideration at:
In the process of taking the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, eleven judges have refused to disclose if they are Freemasons and the governments of Canada and British Columbia also refuse to answer this basic question.
If the case is properly heard and argued at the Supreme Court of Canada, it may drive stake into the heart of Freemason control of Canada's courts and lead to a domino effect elsewhere.
The case has sent shock waves through the Canadian judicial and legal establishment but has been largely ignored by the media.
In December, 2011, and January, 2012, nine judges and one Master suddenly retired in British Columbia which is five times the usual retirement rate of less than one judge a month. We think many of them were Freemasons but the government is keeping a lid on it.
There is a little known law in Canada called the Unlawful Societies Act that has special provisions that apply to Freemasonry. The law was passed in 1799 by the English Parliament and is part of Canada's inherited laws from England.
[this is the begining of the end for criminality of people who abused and twisted FreeMasonary society for their own personal gains and control over others...
As well this is begining of truth behind FreeMasonary and Saint Germain's legacy...
We can find no evidence that Canadian Freemasonry not complies with the mandatory provisions of the Unlawful Societies Act and is, therefore, a criminal organization.
Readers can find more about the Unlawful Societies Act and Freemasonry at:
Thanks for the opportunity to share this information