The Frequency Fence Has Got To Go!~
The frequency fence has got to go! The frequency fence has got to go! The frequency fence has got to go!............
This has become my new mantra.
How many mornings have you awakened from your nightly adventures traversing the cosmos, or visiting your other selves in some other world, or creating your lucid dreams as you go along, or being baffled by the organizing weirdness of a dream that incorporated many of the recent waking life experiences you just had--and lost all or part of the experience after waking up?
You know your consciousness has returned to your body. You lie still reflecting the nights most recent event. You're still in that in-between space where you haven't fully realized that you've been once again CUT OFF FROM ALL THAT YOU ARE. Yet, you smile because you're amused by the wonder of it all. And, even though you demand "Recall Now" over and over again, the memory of what happened throughout the night begins to fade. Perhaps one of the earlier dreams was so fascinating that the memory of it is still strong. But no matter what you do the others fade from your awareness even though you told yourself before going to bed that "I WILL REMEMBER MY DREAMS WHEN I WAKE UP!" And while you've remained still with your eyes closed and tried to replay the night-time movies in your mind--THEY FADE AWAY NEVER TO BE RECALLED--except the occasional few whose dream symbols occur to you perhaps later that day and help you reconstruct what actually happened.
Well I AM PISSED about it!!! LOL. And,.......The frequency fence has got to go! The frequency fence has got to go! The frequency fence has got to go!......... LOL :-)