Full Harvest Moon in Pisces & Autumn Equinox Energies

mthree's picture

Tomorrow morning, September 19th, the moon (a Harvest Moon) will be at it’s fullest and in the sign of Pisces (my native Sun sign). :)

Full Moons are times of illumination, revelation, and provide insightful opportunity for integrative healing. It is also a time to receive from the cosmic elixir of life and great for doing anything that supports your openness to that receiving. You may find yourself wanting to be still and going within to experience the fullness of your emotions and what they have to share. You may discover that movement, music, and dance help to feel into your body and move the energy through. Spending time in nature, creating, making art of any kind, going deeper into healing practices or into more intimate relationships with yourself and others will perhaps call to you at this time – all of this providing inspiration, insights, and epiphanies to revealing answers and dreams.

The Harvest Moon is when, as they say, we separate the wheat from the chaff of the year – meaning a time to sort through your life and realize what is important and what isn’t, releasing and cultivating in direct relation. The Harvest Moon is also a most powerful time for creating the mirror of the unseen realms by reflecting this in practically manifested and beneficial effects into the world.

This is a good time to see and celebrate everything in your life – the responsibilities and the challenges that have supported your evolution – as freeing rather than burdening. To be grateful and to become committed to being fully responsible for all of your choices that shape the life you live.

So what does this Pisces Full Moon energy enhance in our experiences?

Pisces is a boundless sign that is deeply in tune with the primordial and subconscious waters of our emotional experiences. The two fish teach us to become one with everything, as this is the reality of our experience whether we choose to embrace it or not – in essence helping us to transcend duality. And so we are guided by Pisces to merge with the collective into a realm of fluid, instinctual wisdom.

Pisces naturally dwells in the 12th and final house of the zodiac – the house of undoings – that brings us in touch with everything unconscious in order to overcome the self-imposed limitations and transmute them into our gifts of natural and imaginative creativity, inspiration, intuition, and love of change. Pisces brings us in touch, also, with our true spirituality and the natural compassion and wisdom of heart that is innately our Source.

The trick is not to get lost in the watery abyss of Pisces energy that empathically feels all and then without boundaries, can have tendency to escape into a world of fantasy, dependency, and delusion because practical abilities of bringing the inspirations into full action is difficult. The energy surrounding a Pisces Full Moon can be challenging because of this and so it’s important to stay present with ourselves so we can become aware of the ways we avoid or self-indulge in order to not have to be responsible in our lives.

However, at this Full Moon time there is the earthy stability and groundedness that Sun in Virgo brings in partnership to this dance, which provides the ability to manifest all of the beauty and creative inspiration Pisces infuses us with. So in essence, this Full Moon supports the next step in our evolution of experience wherein we have opportunity to bring forth the consciousness of our Divinity into actualization on the physical plane.

“Pisces is the sign of the Source, the Great Mother of all, the original ocean of Life.  Like the twin fishes pulled in opposite directions and yet tied together, Pisces’ archetypal energy shows us how we can transcend duality.  We are infinite and yet just a drop in the ocean of infinity; we are unique individuals and yet part of all humanity.  We are one.  At this full Moon, the Piscean waters flow into good Virgoean earth to create wholeness.” ~Cathy Pagano

With the feminine Water and Earth signs being the focus, we find the qualities of the feminine coming to forefront at this time in all areas of experience to include a time for acute receptivity, abundance and gentle nourishment, cooperative support, integrated practicality, fertile ideas and flowing creative energy, as well as interdependent reciprocity.


There are other astrological aspects going on at this time as well, including the final of three sextiles taking place, a Grand Trine in Earth signs, and Pluto going direct after long periods of retrograde time, all of which really support the message of our need to let go of EVERYTHING no longer serving us and all fear-based patterns. It’s time to lighten the old load and open the heart to new. The feminine Earth energy will assist bringing all of the fluffiness down into integrated grounding.

Regardless of knowing these aspects or not, you can pretty much feel into the energy that is abound and where they are pointing to in your life, both personally and collectively. That’s why it’s not really important to know the specifics, although they will reiterate what you are sensing and help to pinpoint things you may be avoiding or needing extra insightful nudges on, but what IS important is to allow yourself to “feel” and then you will naturally be in tune with the aspects as a way of conscious life experience.

We also happen to just be a few days away from September 22nd’s Autumn/Fall Equinox for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere – a time not only of the fastest sunsets, but for honoring and giving thanks for the source of life-giving (Sun), as we receive the abundance of what we have prepared for with the work we have done. I love how the Equinox takes place at exactly 4:44 on the 22nd – a time for supported restoration of balance.

Abundant creative manifesting to you!

