Full-Moon Eclipse 28 Nov 2012 by James Tyberonn

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Full-Moon Eclipse 28 Nov 2012 by James Tyberonn

Full-Moon Eclipse 28 Nov 2012

by James Tyberonn

A penumbral lunar eclipse on November 28, 2012, will be the last eclipse of the 
year. People in Alaska, Easter Island, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, and Asia
can see the eclipse.


To view the Lunar Eclipse one must be in Alaska, Easter Island , Hawaii, Australia,
or east Asia. Observers in western Canada and the USA can also see the eclipse, 
with the moonset occurring sometime after mid-eclipse. Eastern Canada and the USA
will miss the visible aspect of the eclipse since it begins after moonset. However
the extraordinary energy of this Lunar Eclipse will bath the entire planet and 
all of humanity. Read below for more information on the eclipse energies.





Astrology of the Nov 28 Lunar Eclipse


The 28 Nov Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs exact at :


14:46 UT London

9:46 am Eastern USA 

8:46 am Central USA 

7:46 am Mountain USA

6:46 am Pacific USA

(Next day) In Australia - Nov 29 at 1:46 am

Although there are still very intense frequencies on the planet just now and challenging
astrological aspects around at this 'Crystalline' Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, it remains
an extraordinary opening. It is the portal of the Crystalline Energy and the sacred
completion of the Divine Feminine adjustment for the planet.


The Moon is exactly conjunct Jupiter (11:54 Gemini) just hours after the apex of
the Full Moon. This is truly a very beneficial sign & alignment and offers the 
possibility of positive occurrences, important break-throughs and clearings. It 
opens an opportunity for rebirth- recreation of a new set of rules, and new directions
for each individual. It is an excellent , truly opportune time to focus on what 
is needed to move forward individually. And for Humanity in mass, this is a spiritual,
nurturing shifting, an indication that 'feminine' nurturing qualities like compassion
and generosity come to the forefront of all human consciousness. There is no better
time for meditation and manifesting positive goals and establishing loving intent.
This eclipse is truly a catalyst and spring board.


This full 'Crystal Moon' Lunar Eclipse completes the incredible influx that began
with the Total Solar Eclipse 2 weeks ago. It now opens the gate leading to the Ascension
of 12-12-12. The Planetary Ascension occurs on the hallowed 12-12-12 , and is crowned
on the New Moon of December 12th by the potent Geminid meteor shower, which brings
and influx of extreme power. This energy extends to the re-birth of the New Earth
on December 21, 2012. All centers and strata of quartz crystal on the planet, particularly
ARKANSAS & BRAZIL will be triggered by this Full-Moon Crystalline Eclipse, which
will peak on the 12-12-12. Work with your crystals during this eclipse. All crystals,
especially Phi oriented quartz crystals will open to new surges of benevolent energy.
Powernodes within the Crystal Vortex will be disseminating energy globally !


The full moon eclipse is the initial opening of the prelude and countdown to the
12-12-12. It brings in the crystalline frequency, and a partial wave-phase of 
the crystalline dimensions are brought into the Earthplane. This frequency creates
an energy for us to organize and align ourselves for what takes place on the 12-12-12,
12-21-12 and for 2013.


The Crystal Full Moon is square Neptune and Chiron just before exact Fullness, indicating
influential waves of open-heart and compassion. Succinct opportunities may arise
for each soul to assist anothers within their sphere of influence and connections.
It is also a time for prioritizing, 'getting our ducks in a row' and formulating
the intent and potentials of our lives in the New Earth. But this energy is so 
incredible potent that it can be ungrounding unless conscious efforts are made to
stay centered and keep the auric field stable. This also adds to the need to think
carefully before making any decisions, as although Mercury began moving direct yesterday,

the after effects of the Mercury retrograde are hanging around for 5 or 6 more days,
so avoid impulsive or rash decisions. This same energy can bring in delusional thinking,
and so avoid drifting into extreme emotions and distorted flights of imagination.
But again these same energies, consciously employed can indeed offer incredible 
periods for mediation and manifestation - just keep centered with the auric field


The trine between Venus/Saturn and Neptune/Chiron that has been operating for the
past week is highlighted here, offering the possibility of a breakthrough in the
world stage regarding care of the planet and for each other.


On the other hand, Mars and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn: a potentially violent
and destructive combination. But they do make a mini grand trine by sextiling both
ends of the Saturn/Neptune trine, so globally something amazing is opening possibilities
here, a new perspective around creating a harmony that could displace , at least
for a while, global violence and discord. This also is true for harmony in each
persons life individually. Some relationships may be purposefully re aligned, 
others will be released. Others may find it is time to let go of certain missions,
and take a new path, a more relaxed inner journey, having completed one phase and
taking on a different mission more related to self expansion and expression than


Enjoy the Crystal Moon Eclipse.


It is a sublime energy, of the Mystic, of the seeker, one of nurturing self and others.



