Funny Presentation, Serious Subject, You Can Make A Difference

Ra-Raela's picture

Alex Palombo via 

11:47 AM (1 minute ago)


to me

Dear Reader -

In the last few weeks, we’ve been writing to you about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and what a raw deal it is for workers. This secretly negotiated bill would allow corporations to skirt international laws and make even bigger profits – and leave American workers behind. TPP does not fulfill its promises to increase trade and create jobs in America.

The treaty was negotiated by lobbyists, corporations, and top earners, not elected officials. Congress members were only allowed to read the bill in a closed room, where they were forbidden to take notes or keep a copy of the text. And now negotiators of the TPP and their supporters are asking Congress to vote on the bill without making any changes to it – a process called fast tracking.

The TPP has too many problems as written. We are asking Congress to vote NO to fast tracking this bill, and to vote NO on this treaty. But we need your help to spread the word. Please read and share this Buzzfeed list we created through e-mail or on Facebook and Twitter.

If the TPP passes, corporations will be able to force communities to pay for environmental cleanup from their industrial mistakes. Pharmaceutical companies will be able to abuse patent laws and make prescription medicines more expensive. Companies will be able to skirt labor laws and pay workers sub-minimum wages.

We can’t afford this treaty. Please read and share this Buzzfeed list on the TPP, and tell Congress: Do not fast track the TPP, and do not pass this raw deal.

Thank you.

Alex Palombo
American Family Voices

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