The Futility of Resistance

will's picture

Have you ever heard "what you resist, persists"? It's true in much more than just a spiritual sense, and we have a great example here in the [Facebook] group right now. There was a message posted that many felt was "negative", which lead to much discussion about the post. What could have been something that quickly passed through the group and was forgotten, has become one of the most popular topics, and gotten more exposure than any other recent post here. Almost 24 hours after it was posted, it's still near the top.

Feeding so much energy into it only made it stronger, which is true for everything we resist. You don't get rid of the "negative" by resisting it, that just holds it in place. Resistance itself is part of the "negative", which is only an illusion created by the mind, also known as nothing. Resisting it only reinforces the belief that's it's real. Simply see it for what it is (or rather, isn't) and Let It Go.

Our Consciousness is like a little plant that grows inside our Hearts. When we feed it Love, it grows and grows until it blossoms into something very beautiful. It's vital for our evolution that we keep doing this Consciously. Feed Love, starve illusion. Don't resist, just Let It Go.

As for the message, I never got past the part that claimed there's a "war in heaven". That's an oxymoron there, a total contradiction in terms. You can't have a war in Heaven, in Heaven there exists no conflict, no fighting, and it wouldn't be Heaven otherwise. A war is based upon a dualistic belief, and to get to Heaven, those must be cleared away. Heaven is far beyond the illusions of "harm" and "winning and losing". Go try to pick a fight with an Etheric Being, the only thing you're going to lose is your ego.
