~Gabriel: The Role of Karma in the Third Dimension~
Sept. 30, 2011
Today let’s discuss karma’s role in 3-D life. Operating in the third dimension involves the fundamental understanding of karma. Universally karma was imagined as a way to remind a soul to awaken from its amnesia. All souls who chose to experience life in the third dimension took on the greater purpose of forgetting and remembering their divine origin. Combined with free will, this set the stage for the human experience. Many lifetimes and learning in between lifetimes were required for this grand experiment.
In this prototype was the deep inner knowing that all participants would imagine/create/ manifest All. They would destroy and build. They would love and hate and live and die, never imagining, until just the right moment in time, that they were the only player in the game.
Once memory was restored, little by little and lifetime by lifetime, a connection was re-established with the Creator.
This is not the the Creator that many believe in. This is the Creator who loves all no matter what. This Creator has no agenda for your personal beliefs. This is the Creator who knows you as Himself and One with All.
The gift of karma was given to balance the experience of duality. There was a time table set in the universe for mass awakening. You are now in the final moments of this third-dimensional experience. To give your love to all who are living out their final roles in this duality experience is your great job. Be. Make room for your brothers and sisters at this table of One. Come share your knowledge and invite more! When you see with your heart the grand purpose of karma, duality and free-will, you graduate into the Moment of Now.
Live with the ascended masters. This is your reality. You have done well and in this learning experience you have imagined both sides of the coin. Be grateful for all players, be they perceived as good or bad. All were needed and all are loved. Live love, dear souls.
Suzanne Spooner
The Art of Universal Knowing